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Delta records missing in BODS

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Below is our data flow for client systems

EDW table Data->CDS Views -> BODS-> Client local system

BODS jobs getting triggered in cyclic manner to send data to client source systems.

Issue:Delta records are missing in the client source system through BODS.

Reason: Because of bods delta job failure with connection issues records transferred but did not update in client source system.

Question: As the Bods jobs triggerd for every few minutes Can we put a filter in where condition for delta job to pull delta records from sytem date-2?

Will it pull all the delta records from last two days every time it run delta job on the current day?

Please provide a solution to not loose delta records through BODS.

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Please let me know hoe to move this question to Business objects data service space.

Only question i have is Can we make the same delta data to flow again and again on daily basis in bods?

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First of all would suggest you to troubleshoot with your networks and target system teams.

Now via DS you can build 2 types of delta capture mechanism.

1. Source CDC :

2. Custom CDC:

With respect to your question about

Will it pull all the delta records from last two days every time it run delta job on the current day?

The answer is 'Yes' and unless your target system is not able to identify the duplicates coming in this is not a good solution. Apart from this the other constraint is what if your job is in a failed state say for more than 2 days (over a long weekend) hence a more robust custom CDC should be designed and developed.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards. S