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BO4 - Identifying reports causing rogue processes

0 Kudos


We are seeing a strange situation .

Seiing processes listed on database running under wireportserver.exe but nobody logged in and when look in Instance Manager can't see any running reports which coudl be causing this.

The database concerned is pure data database.  It is not the CMS database.

It is as if some reports were running/deleted but the wireportserver.exe is shoiwng running but no reports should be using the universe concerned.

In meantime have changed tnsnames.ora on server to stoip communication between bo machine and underlying database on which universe based.

Even removed universe temporairily.

Have stopped wireportserver.exe manually and sia stopped/satrted each night.

Would like to fully remove rogue report/process which causing wireportserver.exe to be listed oon database concerened.

Any ideas/any one seen this before.

We have audtiting installed.

Using oracle

Have 2 winodws 2008 servers in cluster

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Phlip,

Yes, hard to tell what could be the issue in this regards,

When you stop and start the WEBI proc server, SIA etc; do you see the rogue processes disappear on the DB side? If so, htey are not really rogue, but the WEBI proc server is indeed doing some calls still.

Also i wonder if any WEBI jobs fail in your case if you look at the instance manager.I mean if you see fails, those processes on the DB server side could be realted to these fails due to the WEBI proc server for example sending the query to the DB and it never finishes etc or other reasons.

It also could be specific report related that throws these various roque processes.

You can also turn on tracing for the proc server and see if their are queries that get send to DB, but no returns (completions) received.

I hope that helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Duncan,

It is a brand new environment pretty much so no reports at all of any status in instance manager.

When stop the web intelligence proc server rogue processes disappear.

When look at what they are acrtually doing - shows as running sqls but nobody any access to this machine yet so very puzzling.

Will switch tracing on webi proc server and see if shows anything further.

I have sample auditing universe but wonder if this woud show anything - is it possible to list actual reports running under webi proc server via this?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Philip,

The auditing universe will list indeed the activity on what report has run, when and if success or fail etc. It does not give you more details than that though or why it failed or what WEBI proc server ran it etc.

But yes, hopefully tracing can help you out.

Also as a side note, i suggest to check out our RSC (remote support component) for BI4.

This is a free plugin for BI4 that you can find on the marketplace/kbase etc that can do active monitoring of your environment. Very helpfull tool on how your BI4 system is performing and will give you health statuses even of your BI4 environment. It also will give you system status reports automatically. Please check out the service marketplace for it.



Former Member
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Hi Philip,

What you can try is to stop the Search Index - I think it is in the CMC under the Applications Tab.

I also made the experience that a relational unx. unvierse was used by the search index and blocked some Database processes.

Hope this is the same thing on your side.

I switched to search only on a schedule - with a limited time - this stopped blocking the databaase.

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Manfred/Duncan,

Thanks for posts.

Will look at stopping this search service.

When look at trace for webi porc server can see tnsnames error.

This is because we have deliberatley taken out the reomte databasse from the tnsnames.ora to stop it getting swamped with these rogue sqls running.

Having a look at the defgault auditing universe but can't immediatley see how you can identify reports which currentl running.

In old system we could use query builder for such things.

Any ideas how to get this from auditing universe so we can try map what showing on remote database to actual report on boe system?
