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Polymorphism/Overloading in PB

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In a PB12.5 pfc-enabled application I have an object function with code as follows:

    public function integer of_connect(ref transaction mytr)

    mytr = create n_tr

    mytr.dbms = profilestring('my.ini', 'Switches', 'DBMS', 'ODBC')

    mytr.dbparm = profilestring('my.ini', 'Switches', 'Dbparm', '')

    connect using mytr;

    return mytr.sqlcode


This function is called from many places.

Sometimes case 1:

    integer            li_ret

    transaction        ltr


    li_ret = of_connect(ltr)

Sometimes case 2:

    integer            li_ret

    n_tr                ltr


    li_ret = of_connect(ltr)

Both seem to work.

Is this usage legal?

Or should I change all case 1 calls to declare ltr as 'n_tr' instead of 'transaction'

and of_connect() argument as 'n_tr'? The trouble is it is a large app and there are

maybe a thousand instances of case 1.

Could someone point me at documentation which discusses this issue or educate me in

the pros and cons of this usage?

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Former Member
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Hi Larry,

It's totally legal, since n_tr inherits from transaction.

In both case, a n_tr object is instantiated.

The only difference is that in case 1 you won't be able to call specific functions of n_tr, if you need it then you just have to change the declaration.



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Thanks Guillaume,