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IDoc 0000000000181226 was saved but cannot or should not be sent

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when i am sending idoc from ecc to pi using we19 this message shown:

IDoc 0000000000181226 was saved but cannot or should not be sent

in sm58 Trfc error status is

EDISDEF: Port SAPDSD segment defn E2WRF1M002 in ID oc type DEBMAS06 CIM ty

This scenario is working fine few days ago but from today it is not working.

Please suggest.



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go to idx2 of your PI segment and delete the existing meta data of CREMAS idoc you are sending..

The reason for this error is due to change of the idoc structure and but not have imported the same in PI..



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HI Rajesh,

thanks for reply.

Actually it was working before.

this is DEBMAS idoc with extention. I have made all conflagration and also tested our scenario,but since morning its not working.



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Make sure that the sender partner and receiver partner values corrrespond to the logical system names you have used in your partner profile in we20. Sender Partner Name should be your R/3 logical system name, and Receiver Partner Name should be the Logical System name for which you have created an Outbound Entry in We20.The Sender port and receiver port also should be the one created in We21 for XI, and SAP+"SYSID" for R3

after completing the we19 ,if you click on oubound , you got the error that IDoc saved but not pushed right,

see first check partner profile is properly configured or not for outbound IDoc type,

next check distribution model is configured or not .check port also.

every thing configured correct, then use se38 and run the program RBDMOIND.


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This might be Because some one has modified your extension of IDOC and activated in ECC.

Go to IDX2 and re import meta data again.



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Hi Rajesh,

thanks for ur suggestion.I deleted old meta-data of idoc and reimport now its working fine.



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whenver you extend the idoc or change the structure of idoc in ECC..

you need to clear off the existing metadata loaded in PI..

otherwise your scenario will not work



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HI rajesh,

i have not made any correction,that's why i am looking for reason.I thing it may be change in EDI tables.

