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I have a bar chart with two measures, how can i display the axes label for both measures

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i have a survey data of multiple grades that were filled by eather the student, the techer or the parent.

i am showing the grade on the top axis and i want to show the parent/student/teacher measure on the bottom axis

Screenshot 2024-02-15 144026.png

Screenshot 2024-02-15 195338.png

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In this case, I would recommend creating a multicolumn / card style report...see below for the details. I can't attached a .zip or the file itself so I have sent it to you. If anyone else is looking to see how to create this type of report please feel free reach out to me.


The reason to use this type of report is that it will allow you a lot more flexibility in the chart formatting and more importantly allow you to add other survey objects at the class level; more info on that point further below.


Note that in the screenshot below all of the parent student teacher summaries are the same as there is an equal count for each.


  • The report is grouped by year.
  • The chart is contained in a subreport which is in the Group Header.
  • The subreport is formatted as a multi-column report.
  • The multi-column format is basically a "card" format.
  • There is one card for each class and each card will have its own chart.
  • See the Section Expert > Details section on the sizing.
  • Right now the charts are showing the count of responses...this of course can be changed.
  • Note that since each class has a card associated with it, you can add other objects such as cross-tabs, summaries, more charts etc. Those will also then be at the class level.
  • You can of course add cross-tabs, summaries, charts at the group level and the report level as well.
  • There is also a subreport in the report header which is used to find the maximum of all of the survey counts by year and class. This value is used to ensure that the scale for all of the charts in the entire report are the same. You can change this if you want the scale to be by year.
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Thank you but the parent/student/teacher is still in the ledger...
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That's a text object. Please open the report and you'll see that you can move anything where you want. Anything you want to be repeated at the class level is in the subreport.
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OK, it worked, Thanks!