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Guided Development not working

0 Kudos

Hello dear experts,

guided development in our project is not working. When trying to open it we're receiving:

> There is an error parsing the CDS annotation files
> Please view the SAP Fiori tools - Application Modeler output channel for error details.

Logs do not have any useful information in the same time:

09:57:38 [INFO] - Trying to execute command 'Open Guided Development'. Command info {"commandId":"","argument":{"fsPath":"app/activities","arguments":{"source":"application-info"}}}
Is the only message related to the action.CDS Language server really has some errors for our annotations:
	"resource": "app/activities/annotations.cds",
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#2",
	"severity": 8,
	"message": "Unknown child element 'Bool'",
	"source": "CDS (annotations)",
	"startLineNumber": 1,
	"startColumn": 2,
	"endLineNumber": 1,
	"endColumn": 2
},<---- This error repeated 8 times and make no sense 
	"resource": "app/activities/annotations.cds",
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#2",
	"severity": 8,
	"message": "Path environment_ID leads to element. The path should lead to type Edm.PrimitiveType.",
	"source": "CDS (annotations)",
	"startLineNumber": 6,
	"startColumn": 12,
	"endLineNumber": 6,
	"endColumn": 26
} <--- This error repeated multiple times]<br>

The first error makes no sense at all as the line which it complains on is:

using ProcessService as service from '../../srv/run/processService';<br>

In the same time cap application itself building and working without any issues. CSN compilation also do not produce any errors.

Is there a way to understand better what is wrong with our annotation files and why guided development do not start?

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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Dmitrii,

Sorry that you are facing this issue. I'm with the SAP Fiori tools team and will share these errors with my colleagues on the annotation-side to see if we can better understand what is going on with your project. To help us get ahead of the next steps, what would help is a zipped version of your project with the node_modules files removed. Could you prepare that for us by using the `Fiori: Archive project` command? If you can attach it here, we can take a look.

Thanks and regards,
Conrad (Product owner, SAP Fiori tools Guided Development)