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FileUploader: Dialog opens more than once after upgrade to UI5 version 1.108

Active Contributor


today we updated our SAP NW FES to 7.57. So UI5 version changed from 1.96.5 to 1.108.19.

After the update our UI5 FileUploader components behave strange.

When we click the "Browse" button the FileSelect Dialog opens twice, means the dialog opens, we select a file and then the dialog opens again and we have to select the file again. The beforeDialogOpen, afterDialogClose and change events of the FileUploader component are only fired once.

Our code is fairly simple. We have an ObjectPage with a SimpleForm on it. Inside the SimpleForm there is the FileUploader (see code below).

Before we updated the FileUploader behaved as expected.

What is even more strange is that if we run the application locally on our development PC as a standalone app it works as expected. It only behaves like this on FES, no matter if we run the app in Fiori Launchpad or as standalone app.

<op:ObjectPageLayout enableLazyLoading="true" upperCaseAnchorBar="false" showAnchorBar="false" showFooter="true">
<op:ObjectPageSection titleUppercase="false" title="{i18n>dokumente}" showTitle="true">
<op:ObjectPageSubSection titleUppercase="false">
<l:DynamicSideContent id="dokumente_dsc" class="sapUiContentPadding" sideContentFallDown="BelowM" containerQuery="true">
<Label text="{i18n>geburtsurkunde}"/>
<u:FileUploader id="geburtsurkunde_file_upload" name="geburtsurkundeFile" width="100%" fileType="pdf" />
<Label text="{i18n>arbeitgebernachweis}"/>
<u:FileUploader id="arbeitgebernachweis_file_upload" name="arbeitgebernachweisFile" width="100%" fileType="pdf"/>
<Label text="{i18n>mutterschutznachweis}" visible="{= ${general>Gesch} !== '1' }"/>
visible="{= ${general>Gesch} !== '1' }"
<FormattedText htmlText="{i18n>dokumente.hint}"/>

Did anyone encounter a similar behaviour?

Thanks and BR

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

This is a known issue which is fixed already.

The fix should be included in the next 1.108 patch release (OpenUI5 1.108.20 or SAPUI5 1.108.23)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thank you boghyon.hoffmann , good to hear that, but when will there be a patch for SAP NW Software Component SAP_UI 757 SP 0003? Is it a question of days or months?

BR Helmut

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


You dont have to wait for the Software Component Patch. You can install SAPUI5 Patches yourself. See this Note

Active Contributor

Thank you 20eed143c19f4b82bc4cf049916102cb, wasn't aware of this note. Good to know. That's probably what our base team member meant, when he said that installing a patch version is not a big issue.

Now I have to wait for version 1.108.23, currently highest version is 1.108.22

I raised a ticket on and asked the delivery team when the patch will be available. End of september they said.

BR Helmut

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

helmut.tammen2 Happy to help!

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