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Exporting Table component in SAC to PDF

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I am doing a tabular report in SAC with more than a couple of thousand rows.

Only option SAC gives is to export it to CSV of XLSX.

Is there a way to print the entire report to PDF or send it to a printer?

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Do you have the Dropdown symbol in Save Option - that should show you PDF option.

Can you please provide screenshot of that

Active Contributor


Please confirm if you can see this option

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Product and Topic Expert

Hi daakya

See Exporting a Story as a PDF


  • The sizes of the pages in the PDF file are determined by the visible content on the story pages in the application. If you want to print the PDF file to paper, you may need to use scaling options in your PDF viewing software.
  • The PDF file shows exactly what appears on your story pages at the moment when you export them. Therefore, if any charts in your story are scrollable, only the visible parts of those charts are included in the PDF file.
  • For an R visualization widget, a static plot will be exported. But if the R widget is written in RHTML (iFrame), it won't be exported.

See Exporting Table Data as an XLSX File

The following limitations apply to the export:

  • Maximum number of columns: 60.
  • Maximum number of cells of data: 3 million.
  • Formatting (such as cell color, font styles, and so on) will not be exported.
  • Hyperlinks are removed.
  • Hierarchies are flattened.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks, John. Another words the table isn't going to make it work like a Webi export to PDF which allowed entire content of the Webi to be exported to PDF. So SAC doesn't work like BusinessObjects which it is supposed to replace in future.

0 Kudos

For PDF go to the Export option. There you have the PDF option. And for Tabular report use Whole grid option.

0 Kudos

Hi daakya , Former Member ,

For tabular reporting you can use Grid page - to achieve same behavior like in Crystal for example - especially when using more thousand rows.

There you have the export to PDF option as "Whole Grid" that will export everything on the system.

This option seems missing tho in our users guide so i turned to our doc team to update it.



0 Kudos


We have the same issue. How can we enable the "user the whole grid" option?

Best Regards,

0 Kudos

Hello daakya , Former Member ,Mark Fodor,

As per my understanding the "Whole Grid" option is only available for Story created as Grid (See the attached screenshot for more details).

This functionality is good to export the whole grid, however I do not find a way to show the table headers/ titles on each page of the PDF file. This information is only included in the first page of the PDF, even if those have been frozen in SAC.

Is there any way to show the table headers on each page of the PDF presentation? See the 2nd attachment for more details.

Thanks in advance.




0 Kudos

Hi, We also have the same senario were you able to acheive this.

0 Kudos

Thanks, Venkat. Yes, the PDF option is there but it generates a screenshot of the page and not all the rows (more than 2 thousand) like you get from a Webi. In SAC, I can scroll down and see all rows in the table but when I export it only shows rows that you see on the screen. Also I can see all rows when I export it to excel.