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Element REQUISITION is not available in the container

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I copied the standard workflow to a custom one and did all the necessary config. When I execute the workflow I get the following errors;

Error when processing node ’0000000093′ (ParForEach index 000000)

Work item 000000000059: Object FLOWITEM method EXECUTE cannot be executed
Element REQUISITION is not available in the container
Error in resolution of rule ‘AC20000027′ for step ’0000000093′
Agent determination for step ’0000000093′ failed
Error when starting work item 000000000059
Error when creating a work item
Error when creating a component of type ‘Step’

I have not specified any element called ‘REQUISITION’ in any of the workflow steps so I’m surprised where it gets it. The rule resolution is working fine since it determination the correct agents when I test in PFAC. Please assist.



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I am not sure about all issues but could suggest for one "Error when processing node ’0000000093′ (ParForEach index 000000)"

ParForEach Index 000000 comes when there is binding issue in some step. As per the error , check all bindings of step 93 of workflow. Some of the container element would be missing from Workflow template or Standard task or Rule for which binding is defined in the workflow. For correcting it you have 2 solutions :

1) Delete binding for which error is appearing. Ideally it should not be done unless you are sure that binding is relevant especially when you have copied standard template

2) Declare the missing container element. It is not necessary that element is missing from Workflow container , it could be missing in Task container or Rule container.

Check workflow thoroughly once you correct binding issue. I hope other issues will also get correct.


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Are you sure that it is standard workflow like, standard provided solution by SAP, or did you just found a random workflow template. I mean there is a big difference.

The one you copied it from, that one doesnt have any errors?

Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

Former Member
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Which standard workflow template you have copied ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anshul,

PFAC it might work but there must be a binding missing to rule container from workflow. Kindly check that and you will know why it failed. Also , if the binding is there , then problem with the variable population. Check the technical workflow log and check the value of the variable whihc you are binding when calling that particular task.

Second , the method or task which you copied might be expecting a variable REQUISITION but as you said , theworkflow doesnt have it. You need to check thsi and declare a appropriate variable and bind it to task/method.

