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Display enqueue entries(instead of SM12) in BTP ABAP environment


Hi, is there any way to check enqueue entries in BTP ABAP environment? There is no SM12 and I checked all the app in the admin launchpad in ABAP environment but no relevant apps are found.

I've implmented lock mechanism in a cusotm class using cl_abap_lock_object_factory. In the old times, I could use SM12 to check the enqueues but no alternative is found in BTP ABAP environment.

If ABAP on cloud allows usage of cl_abap_lock_object_factory and creating lock object, testing lock entries should also be made possible, or is this not possible in the current release?

So far, I can only test the lock by calling cl_abap_lock_object_factory to lock in my first session and call it again on the second session. On the second session, sy-subrc becomes 1 so the lock is working but it's not as assuring as using SM12 so I see the lock entreis are actually there.

BR, Aocheng

        DATA(lo_lock) = cl_abap_lock_object_factory=>get_instance( iv_name = 'myLockObject' ).
      CATCH cx_abap_lock_failure INTO DATA(exception).
        RAISE SHORTDUMP exception.

        lo_lock->enqueue( ).
      CATCH cx_root.
        "Error handling
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the app is not 1:1 the same as the SM12. It does not show the locks, but the sessions holding enqueue locks.

But finally also this app should not show a session where the user is only logged on, but does not hold any locks.

Maybe the first user as well did some action and holds a lock and the second user holds one lock related to cl_abap_lock_object_factory and none related to logon.

I can't say for sure from the above screenshot.

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Hi, ok so I logged in and performed the lock with just one user. It looks like the first session is for logon and the second session is for perfoming the lock. Still the app does not tell me the lock entries details.

I see that BTP ABAP environment still have enqueue package like SENQ and the sub-objects such as function module ENQUE_READ is a great program to display all the enqueue entries. It's pity that developer are not permitted to use it. I hope SM12-like app will come to the dashboard one day and hope it's on the roadmap.