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Deploy WAR

Former Member
0 Kudos

I spent 2 hours in order to find out how to deploy war

I had read I din't find...

I have 3 yars of J2EE experience with a lot of app servers and have never been so confused.

Where could I find the answer? I need only deploy war and create DataSource...

Message was edited by: Sergey A

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sergey,

Which version of J2EE Engine do you use? I am sending you some links where you can find documentation about 6.40 deployment. If you use 6.20 release then have a look at development and deployment documentation located under <j2ee root directory>/docs.

If you have an already built war file then most probably the easiest way to assemble it and deploy it will be to use the deploy tool ( Usually we use the NetWeaver Developer Studio to build and deploy J2EE Applications (

For creating a DataSource you can refer to

I hope this documentation will make things clearer.

Best Regards


Former Member
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I used NetWeaver Developer Studio. For deploing I have to create an ear archive.

But how to monitor applications? stop it? read logs?

Is it possible in NetWeaver Developer Studio?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Sergey,

I am not quite sure but I think that there is no way to monitor and administer your applications using the NetWeaver Studio. You can use the visual admin tool or telnet commands to start/stop the applications. And for reading the logs you can use visual admin tool or standalone logviewer.

Kind Regards


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