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Deadlock error in DS Jobs

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Hi All

There is a recurrance ds job which ran with below deadlock error with some of it's execution without any row count.

Can we check theis deadlock based on which tables this jobs relates to , may be some other jobs relates to the same tables or can we check based on some other parameters ?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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siba.pkd21 ,

I would recommend you involve your DBA here and check why there is a deadlock on the DB.

Identify the statements that are trying that are causing this, and once you have you will have a better chance of figuring out how to avoid them.

BR ,


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Dear Joe

Thank you for your advise. I'll check with DBA.

Also out of curiosity, I google the deadlock issue, it says as below:

So as I checked the recurring job which fetches deadlock error having a target table (out of multiple targets ) and this target table is a source table for another recurring job. so both these recurring jobs fetches same deadlock error during its same execution recurrance timing.

Best Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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siba.pkd21 ,

Sound like you found your culprit.

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Dear Joe

Surprisingly I noticed a strange thing...

The other job (every 4 hrs Starts 1.05AM SAST) which contains as source table of another job (every 3 hrs Starts 12.30 AM SAST) target table, while I checked today for that jobs((every 4 hrs) for that particular execution status, it was not showing deadlock.. also that timing is not showing ...all yesterdays executions are showing as successful while I am checking today...but that job ((every 3 hrs) which was initially showing deadlock error yesterday, it's still showing the same deadlock error in that same execution recurrance and in that same timing (3.32AM SAST)...May be that job (which running for every 4 hrs ) was showing that deadlock error yesterday on the same timing 3.32 AM on temprary basis ..but later readjusted to its 4 hrs recurrance timing show it's 4 hrs recurrances...

Best Regards
