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create dulicate nodes in mapping

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Hi Experts,

My requirement is :

For each customer, there are 8 attributes and for each attribute there is some value. If any one of attribute is missing, PI will create that record with blank value.

If for one customer one attribute will come, PI will create another 7 records with all blank values with rest 7 attributes.





















































Please help. Waiting for your early response.

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Where exacty u are stuck?

Just duplicate target "detail" node using duplicate subtree option and map constant values(a,b,c etc.) in the "attribute" target field.

Edited - I have deleted the mapping explained above, seems it will not create correct o/p. BTW, you will always have one source "Detail" node or you can have multiple source "Detail"


Amit Srivastava

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it will have multiple Customers also

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My requirement is if for one customer, one attribute is coming with value PI will create another 7 records having other attributes with space. If 3 attributes are coming , 5 additional records will be created. It is not fixed how many attribute will come.

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Ur mapping is little bit just to avoid lot of standard functions u can use 3 UDFs.. Count, Alphabets and Value

Do remember to change the context of each soure field and set it to +1 parent node.

1) Count - Input var1 and execution type all values of a context

int j = var1.length * 8;

int count = 0;

for(int i=0;i<j;i++)



count = count +1;

if(count==8 && i!=j-1)


count = 0;




2) Aplhabets - input var1 and execution type all values of a context

for(int i=65;i<=72;i++) {



3) Value - input var1 and execution type all values of a context

for(int k=0;k<var1.length;k++)




if(8 - var1.length >0)


for( int i =0;i<8 - var1.length;i++)






Amit Srivastava

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

For the alphabets I had given you example , but actually there are some values associated with those like, Attributes are Copyright, CSR, CustomerGroup etc.

The target csv file structure is:

customer attribute value

1000     CSR 10

1001     Copyright 11    

There are 8 attributes with different names.  But my requirement is to repeat based on customer. For each customer I will have to create 8 records , if any value is missing for any attribute, it will send space as value. in above example it should create 16 records and other than 10 and 11, it will send blank for all other attributes.

If structure is:

1000 CSR 10

Copyright 11

PI should create rest 6 records with blank values .

I had already used duplicate sub tree but issue is that it is repeating for all source nodes. I used UseOneAsMany in target node detail but it did not worked. I will try your above mentioned logic and let you know.

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>>For the alphabets I had given you example , but actually there are some values associated with those like, Attributes are Copyright, CSR, CustomerGroup etc

In that case, just pass 8 constant values for each attribute in alphabets UDF.


Amit Srivastava

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

I used the above but values are not populating. I used count for target detail and able to create 8 nodes correctly.

But the none of  field values are populating. Please help.

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I have tested this mapping, so i am sure it will work.

Paste ur mapping screenshot...


Amit Srivastava

Former Member
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for(int k=0;k<var1.length;k++)




if(8 - var1.length >0)


for( int i =0;i<8 - var1.length;i++)





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You are not reading reply properly. You have to change the context of KUNNR, ATTRIBUTE and ATTRIBUTE_VALUE source fields and set it to "Transaction"

Comment from my reply -

Do remember to change the context of each soure field and set it to +1 parent node.

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0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

Transaction node is for sending constant fields (Header) to the csv file. Its occurrence is 1..1.

I had used count for Detail to create 8 nodes.

Can you please tell where I will use the context change.

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>>Can you please tell where I will use the context change.

I am asking you to change the context of source fields in ur mapping like this...

In the mapping editor (screeshot which u have shown above), right click on "KUNNR" Source field -> context -> and select Transaction.


Amit Srivastava

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

I changed it but still values not coming

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>>I changed it but still values not coming

If you are following answers properly then mapping should work.

I can only help if u can provide me mapping screenshots with ur test result


Amit Sriavstava

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

Please find the screen shoten shots.

When changing context of Kunnr to Transaction getting error as:

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Mapping exception is coming for "DistinguishedName" target field becoz number of arguments in the first and second input of useoneasmany function is not matching...

Paste the mapping screenshot along with "display queue"  (right click on the input functions i.e. "split by value" and "Count" UDF used just before "useoneasmany" and select display queue) for "Distinguished Name" target field.


Amit Srivastava

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

Again I followed all the steps exactly mentioned above exactly. Now I am not getting that error but records are not coming as 8 or multiple of 8 .Please find all screen shots. My requirement is to get 8 records for each customer. I am pasting all 3 screen shots and test results. For test result , I am getting 8 entries but when executing only getting 1 record.

I have done the cache refresh but when testing the message mapping not getting 8 records. Please help.

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Paste ur detail node mapping along with display queue output?


Amit Srivastava

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