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Turn process mining findings in SAP Signavio Process Intelligence into automation improvements for non-SAP scenarios with UiPath.

Are you interested in having a seamless handover from insights to action for your non-SAP processes? Then this blog is for you! 

In this post, we will dive deeper into integrating SAP Signavio Process Intelligence with a non-SAP system that supports webhooks, via the “Integrate Using Webhooks” Action task.  

Now, let’s walk through the steps of integrating SAP Signavio Process Intelligence with UiPath, through UiPath’s Integration Service HTTP Webhook Connector. 

First, we need to create a connection. A connection is the identifier for the external URL that will be generated. If you want others to build workflows, consider creating the connection in a shared folder. 


  1. Find the HTTP Webhook connector in the Integration Service catalog.add_connection2.png
  2. Select Connect to HTTP Webhook.
  3. In the connection screen, you must provide a name for the application you’re connecting to, for example, “signavio”.add_connection3.pngadd_connection4.png
  4. In UiPath Studio, start your workflow with the HTTP Webhook: Webhook Event Happened event.create_process1.png
  5. Start New Project.
  6. Add “HTTP Webhook: Webhook Event Happened” event in Main Sequence:create_process2.pngcreate_process3.png
  7. Once you select the connection “signavio” you created earlier from the drop down menu, the activity will present you with a URL. This URL is accessible from outside UiPath and does not change during the lifespan of the connection. It will be needed to set up the Integrate Using Webhooks Action task in SAP Signavio Process Intelligence.
  8. Using the activity, define filters on the body or headers for the incoming events. If no filtering is provided within the activity, your robot will be triggered for every incoming event.
  9. Add an “Assign/Set Variable Value” activity: create_process4.png
  10. Assign parsed JSON to a variable (named “result” in demo): create_process5.png
  11. Add “Write Storage Text” activity: create_process6.png
  12. Designate absolute Path to destination file, Storage Bucket Name, and data to be sent, result.ToString (variable assigned earlier, ‘.ToString’ converts to string and displays as such):create_process7.png
  13. Save workflow.
  14. Publish workflow:
    1. Publishing an automation project means archiving the project folder so that it can be sent to Robots and then executed.
    2. When you publish an automation process to the Orchestrator Workspace, a process is created automatically if one does not already exist, and existing processes are updated to the latest published version. Please note that you need to manually choose “Upgrade to latest version” to update an existing process.
    3. Select publish in the Studio Design tab ribbon.
    4. Follow steps, without configuring additional options.

Navigate to SAP Signavio Process Intelligence Actions:

Sign in to Process Intelligence and on the left side panel navigate to Action tab:

actions1.pngFor each action, you specify a SIGNAL query and one or more tasks. The SIGNAL query produces results when the action is run. These results are then used in the defined tasks.

  1. Create a new Action or edit an existing one:actions2.png
  2. Add a new Action Task of type Webhook.
  3. Paste the URL generated earlier, in the “Webhook Endpoint” field.
  4. Select ‘None’ for “Authentication Type”.
  5. Select Attributes to be included, for example, ‘case_id’.
  6. Your newly created action task should look like this:Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 5.56.22 PM.png
  7. Save Action.
  8. Run Action associated with the UiPath integration.
  9. The moment the action runs, the “HTTP Webhook: Webhook Event Happened” event of our published process is triggered, and therefore initiates the process to produce a job.

Navigate to Orchestrator:

  1. Select Tenant and Workspace. In this tutorial, we use the default tenant and the workspace ‘SomeUnattendedRobot’. Enterprise users might have multiple tenants/workspaces.
  2. Select ‘Automations’ tab from the navigation bar.
  3. You’re directed to ‘Processes’ tab by default where existing already published processes are displayed.
  4. By refreshing the table, you notice the updated process, that was published earlier.
  5. Click the ellipsis (3 dots) next to the process and select “Upgrade to latest version” to update the process, follow prompts.

In Orchestrator Automations:

  1. You see the new job being posted with a "Pending" / "Running" status:uipath1.pnguipath2.png
  2. Click on details to review Job details and Logs:uipath3.png
  3. Job has completed successfully:job_details.png

Browse Storage Buckets in the same workspace and select ‘TestBucket’:storage_buckets1.pngstoragebucket2.png

  1. Refresh list of files.
  2. Download ‘test2.txt’ and review content:save text file.png
  3. Content matches the Action’s results:text_result.png

That is it, you've made it! Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. 🙂


  1. UiPath  Studio
    1.  For Studio Desktop: install the HTTP Webhook Activity Pack through Manage Packages. This package is supported as of Studio Desktop 23.4 and beyond.
    2. For Studio Web, the package will automatically be installed.
  2. UiPath Orchestrator
  3. An Orchestrator Bucket named ‘TestBucket’, containing an empty file ‘test2.txt’.

Additional resources for UiPath Studio:

  1. Creating a basic process: tutorial
  2. Publishing a project: tutorial
  3. Workflow activities used:
    1. Webhook Event Happened
    2. Write Storage Text
    3. Assign