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SAP Community Downtime Scheduled for This Weekend

The 1st UI5con Bangalore took place on the 20th of July in India in SAP Labs India. And guess what? It was loved by everyone in all aspects and it received a great response and support from all around the globe! A tech meetup, organized by SAP Cloud Platform UX Development and Product Management in collaboration with SAP Labs India’s Innovation@SAP initiative. It brought together 400+ OpenUI5 and SAPUI5 lovers from various places in India sharing knowledge and networking with each other.

What is UI5con?

UI5con is a common platform for the community of UI5 developers and enthusiasts to meet face-to-face and discuss the latest innovations of the framework. It offers the community to present and discuss their innovative ideas to further shape the path of the framework and contribute to the OpenUI5. UI5con has been a great success in Germany and Netherlands for last few years and this triggered the idea to try this in India which has a huge development community!

Tremendous turnout

Despite the fact that the event was on a Friday and not the best traffic conditions in Bangalore, there were still more than 400 participants who made it to the event for sharing and discussing everything about UI5.

The event was planned as an informal tech meetup with most people knowing each other through Slack, Twitter and other open platforms and this made the event more fun! The day started with an early registration at 8 AM and within an hour the auditorium was almost full for the Keynote to kick-off the event.

34 sessions by 52 speakers were planned in 5 spaces (Auditorium, 2 rooms and 2 booths) in parallel with a jam-packed agenda covering multiple topics all through the day.


There was enough for everyone. From the developers who are new to UI5 as a technology and to the experts, there were sessions regaling everyone. Agenda cards were handed over to all participants which made it easy for them to plan their day.

It is really easy to decide and find my way into the sessions I prefer to join.  - A participant

There were 20 external speakers from 10 different companies and 32 from SAP (UI5 development team and SAPUI5 application developers) who made every session worthwhile and also were applauded every single time! The only challenge any session had was of not being able to accommodate more people due to the space crunch, especially the hands-on!


This is a wonderful experience. I hope we have something like this again which gives me a chance to directly meet in person with experts/people working on UI5.  - An attendee.

The event was perfectly organized. A big thank you to the organizing team for the commitment shown in putting together such an amazing event! A special thanks to paramita.biswas and her team for running such a smooth show.

Fun moment of the day!

The Organizers managed to handover the speaker gift to DJ Adams on a video call.

DJ Adams was the star speaker of the event due to his avid activity in the OpenUI5 community and his session received a great response despite being at lunchtime!

Developers exchanged a lot of thoughts over networking with coffee served right next to the booths with plenty of discussions on the roadmap, what’s next, new features etc.

Best sessions of the day were rewarded based on feedback collected after every session, surprisingly on a Friday evening, there were more than hundred people present still to applaud the winners!

Can’t thank the event organizers enough on arranging the surprise music jam session at the end. This was totally not how someone would have imagined to close a tech meetup. People came together to sing, play music and had a lot of fun.

UI5 community is growing every day and events like UI5con increase awareness and definitely make an impact to bring the people together and make the community stronger. If you wish to join or even want to organize your own UI5con, just use the slack channel or the twitter handle be a part of this great network.

We would like to thank all the participants for attending and making it a big success. Thanks to the speakers for taking out time and delivering diverse and wonderful sessions and the organizing team for the planning and smooth event execution.

The complete UI5con material, such as recordings, slides and pictures will be available on the UI5con Bangalore homepage soon.

The UI5 community is really big and growing every day. UI5con 2018 is a proof !!


Previous post: UI5ers Buzz #32


Nandan is a Fiori developer and SAPUI5/Fiori Trainer at SAP Labs who works towards good user experience on his products. He's a fun loving person, always ready to help, likes collaborating with others to share knowledge and strives to learn new things!