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Product and Topic Expert

SAP Partner Innovation Lab and SAP HANA Academy have published a series of video tutorials on the topic of SAP Business Technology Platform security.

In this blog post you will find the videos embedded with references and additional information.

For the related blog post, see

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Hands-On Video Tutorials

About the Service

As advertised, Identity Authentication service provides a controlled cloud-based access to business processes, applications, and data. It simplifies the user experience through authentication mechanisms, single sign-on, on-premise integration, and convenient self-service options.

Recently, Cloud Identity Services has been added as platform service for SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) global accounts. This enables you to create a service instance of the service for subaccounts, registered as an application with your tenant of SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication.

SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication (IAS) enables single sign-on for SAP cloud business applications using delegated authentication from a corporate identity provider (IdP).

IAS provides a wide range of authentication capabilities using certificates, policies, branding, two-factor authentication (2FA), and more. For the full list, see


What You Learn

You can watch the video tutorial in about 7 minutes. What you learn is

  • How to establish trust between your SAP BTP subaccount and your IAS tenant

  • How to create a service instance of Cloud Identity Services in the BTP Cloud Foundry environment.


For this activity you need

  • Administration privileges on your SAP BTP Customer/Partner account.

  • Administration privileges on your SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication tenant

Note that the SAP BTP Trial environment is currently not supported.

Cloud Identity Services 

Tutorial Video

In this video tutorial, we show how to establish the trust between a subaccount of SAP Business Technology Platform and a SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication service tenant, followed by the creation of a service instance of Cloud Identity Services.

This enables us to register a service instance as application.

0:00​ - Introduction

1:15 - Documentation

3:15 - Establish trust 

5:10 - Applications in SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication

6:00 - Create new service instance for Cloud Identity Service 

7:15 - Applications in SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication

Establish Trust

Trust Configuration

First step in the procedure is to establish an OpenDI Connect (OIDC) trust between the SAP BTP subaccount and your IAS tenant.

At the subaccount level, navigate to Security, Trust Configuration and select the Establish Trust button. You will be prompted to select the identity provider, which lists the IAS tenants that contain the same CRM ID reference as your BTP account.

Once the trust has been established, you can configure the entry to enable/disable the service, make the IdP available for user login, and allow shadow users to be created.

Commonly, you would disable the default identity provider, SAP ID service, for this subaccount. Otherwise users will be prompted to select the IdP before each new connection.

SAP Identity Authentication Service

The SAP BTP subaccount will be referenced as Bundled Application under Applications. The required parameters under the Trust tab have been set up. Conditional authentication, and other settings under the Authentication and Access, and Branding and Layout tabs can be configured.

These settings are documented in the Operation Guide (see References below).

Assignments and Entitlements

Service Assignments

Cloud Identity Services is automatically assigned to your global account. To verify this navigate to your global account (root level), expand Entitlements in the menu and select Service Assignments.

Entity Assignments

As global administrator, to assign Cloud Identity Services to a subaccount, select Entity Assignments, Configure Entitlements, Add Service Plan, and select the application plan.

As subaccount administration, the same operation can be performed (when authorised) from the Entitlements menu.

Service Marketplace

When entitled and assigned, the Cloud Identity Service will be listed in the Service Marketplace. Using the ellipses (...) menu, you can create a service instance.

Alternatively, select the tile and create the service instance from the blade using the Create button or the Create link at plan level.

Create Service

To create a service instance, the generic wizard is presented

  • Step 1 Basic Info of the Create Service dialog prompts us to provide a name for service instance. The other parameters are pre-popluated from the context.

  • Step 2- Parameters, enables us to provide additional information in JSON format but for this service none are documented.

  • Step 3 - Review serves to confirm the selection and create the instance.

When created, we can create service keys, bind applications, and configure the service as any other BTP service instance.

The service instance is registered under charged applications using the same service instance name as reference.

Administration Console

Tenants and Administrators

The Identity Authentication (IAS) Administration Console URL has the following pattern:

https://<tenant ID>

The tenant ID is an automatically generated ID by the system.

The first administrator created for the tenant receives an activation e-mail with a URL in it. This URL contains the tenant ID.

For more information about your tenants, see

Tricky Bits

Unable to Fetch

When your SAP ID Service user account does not have the same customer ID for SAP BTP and SAP IAS, the single-click trust will fail with message: Unable to fetch available IAS tenants.

Contact SAP Support to have both services registered correctly.

A Zone is Required

When attempting to create a service instance of Cloud Identity Service before the trust is established an error message is returned with message: Failed to create the service instance, and a zone is required to use this service. The documentation reference points to the SAP BTP Guide where the Establish Trust procedure is documented (which implicitly creates the required zone).

Error message for Cloud Foundry environment.

Error message for Other environment.


SAP HANA Academy YouTube Playlist and Code Repository

To bookmark the playlist on YouTube, go to

SAP Discovery Center

For information about SAP Cloud Identity Service, visit the entry in the service catalog of the SAP Discovery Center. Here you also find links to the documentation, tutorials, and the SAP Community topic area


How to establish trust and create service instances is documented in the SAP BTP Guide.

How to configure SAP Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication is documented separately on  the SAP Help Portal

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Over the years, for the SAP HANA Academy, SAP’s Partner Innovation Lab, and à titre personnel, I have written a little over 300 posts here for the SAP Community. Some articles only reached a few readers. Others attracted quite a few more.For your reading pleasure and convenience, here is a curated list of posts which somehow managed to pass the 10k-view mile stone and, as sign of current interest, still tickle the counters each month.

Hi Denys

Thanks for the tutorial. Your blogs have been so informative, been my go-to learning sessions for BTP 🙂

Just had a question for the Cloud Identity service, I understand on IAS and its purpose. How and where does the Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) come into play. If the customer has their own IdP.

What does our IPS do at this point? Also, do we have to use both service in order to use IAS?

Maybe another blog :-). Thanks Denys
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Good question and indeed a great topic for another blog! Thanks

In brief, when using an identity provider (e.g. Azure AD) as user store, the service provider (SaaS application) still needs to keep a shadow user store (e.g. to assign roles and privileges).

There are scenarios where we need to batch load the users to the service provider. This is something we can do with Identity Provisioning Service. See the docs for the details. 😉

Thanks Denys for the post!

Do you know if it is possible to send IAS group assignments to to the application instead of azure AD group assignments? Is it possible for the IAS to use azure AD for user authentication and SAP IAS for permission assignment in the BTP? In this case the SAP IAS has to map the azure AD user to the local IAS user and send the group assignment to the application.

Thanks in advance!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Andreas,

Good question; would you mind and post this as a question on the forum ( This makes it easier to link in the experts, and also allow for knowledge sharing.

Hi Denys,

I've been trying to establish trust in a Kyma enabled subaccount with IAS tenant that's already been used in CF enabled subaccount in the same Global account, but I don't see the IAS tenant in the identity provider drop down list which is shown after clicking on the establish trust button. In the linked documentation I found this requirement:

The Identity Authentication tenant must be associated with the same customer ID as the relevant global account of SAP BTP.

How do I check the customer ID? I expected that I can reuse this IAS tenant in my Kyma subaccount as it seem to have worked in CF subaccount or is there a limitation? 1 IAS tenant can be used in 1 subaccount?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Liga,

For this to work your BTP and IAS tenant need to have the same CRM identifier. As SAP employee, this might have been setup differently. As this concerns an internal issue with no relevance to the community, would you mind sending me message (e-mail)?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Great blog! Maybe it would be nice to mention that:

The Identity Authentication (IAS) Administration Console URL has the following pattern:

https://<tenant ID>

The tenant ID is an automatically generated ID by the system. The first administrator created for the tenant receives an activation e-mail with a URL in it. This URL contains the tenant ID. For more information about your tenants, see Viewing Assigned Tenants and Administrators.

Thank you and best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks for the addendum, Istvan. Added.
Active Participant
Great tutorial. Thanks.

I think the Cloud Identity Services need to be subscribed first using the "default" plan, at this time of my writing, in my free tier account. And then an email activation step before the tenant gets created and the trust configuration can be done in the subaccount level.

0 Kudos

Hi All,

How to create the user in IAS using the user registration api in SAP BAS Fiori application?
I tried to call the user registration api, But I'm getting 403 Forbidden error. 
I have refered this blog for user registration in IAS.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Durai,

the SP UM API of IAS requires a technical user configuration in IAS for the respective application (i.e. the service provider that you configured for the Fiori app).
In the admin console of IAS, go to Applications -> select the SP -> Trust -> Client Authentication
Here you can register a secret which you may use in your Fiori app to call the API.


Hi denys.kempen,

I want to develop a user registration application to be accessed via Launchpad Service and use a database of IAS feeding 3 custom attributes. However, I'm having difficulties consuming the destination inside of ui5 freestyle application. Do you have an example of an application working with this scenario and the destination properly configured?

I tried combining two tutorials to consume IAS API by Destination Service.

Integrate the REST API via Destination Service:

In this tutorial, he creates a credential key for the instance created through the API.
Then create the application and use a destination service for the application in the MTA.

It declares that it is needed in the HTML module, and puts a destination route that will be created below.

After the application is deployed, it goes inside the destination service and creates the destination using the credentials created in the first step, giving the same name as the one placed in the route above.

IAS Instance and Key:

IAS Destination Service:

Destination route on xs-app.json:

Destination created inside of Destination Service:

Declare the proxy inside of  ui5-local.yaml to consume in the test locally.

Try to consume the service:

The erro:

I create the IAS Instance Service watching the your microlearning:

I thank you in advance for your willingness to contribute to my technical growth and continuous improvement. In the scenario I mentioned above, I still can't consume the IAS API.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Kefren,

I don't have an answer for you 1-2-3, will ask around, but you might reach a wider audience posting the question on the community forum; something to consider
Thanks denys.kempen  I will do your suggestion.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
The request URL pointing to your tenant ( and not IAS might be a pointer. Colleagues also suggested to use Postman for more in depth analysis of the response (but you might already have tried this, of course).
0 Kudos
Yes, I already used postman, it`s only a path to learning the structure of the service API. Now that you've noticed, it's not really the URL I put in the destination service. Maybe it's because it didn't find the destination, or didn't recognize it. In the settings it is correct.
Hi all, i have a customer who wamts to delete-disable one of their IAS. Do we have any step by step?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Frederico,

You can delete a service instance or unsubscribe from a subscription.