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In this blog I will help you to understand how to migrate an existing Cloud Foundry Fiori application URL Tile from Neo Fiori Launchpad to the new cFLP Launchpad.

This information provided in this blog takes into consideration that the Cloud Foundry Fiori application uses Managed App Router.

I will be following and taking help of the guidelines and steps mentioned in this link: url-tile-eval/ at main · sapit-cloud-technologies/url-tile-eval ( and provide additional information regarding each step.

You will need to implement changes in your application code and BTP subaccount.

Step 1: Changes in the subaccount:

You will need to reach out to your respective subaccount owner(s) and request them to add cFLP to your subaccount's trusted domain. This needs to be done for both Test and Production subaccounts.

Domain of Test cFLP:

Domain of Production cFLP:

Step 2: Adjustments on application level:

2.1 UI5 app bootstrapping:

In the index.html of your application code, you need to ensure that there is no data-sap-ui-frameOptions property set. If it is used, then remove it!

2.2 Enable deep navigation:

Integrating the application into new cFLP Launchpad does not support deep navigation.

For this step, you are required to make changes in the Component.js file of your application code.

To enable deep navigation in your application you are required to use the cFLPAdapter.js utility function. This function is available in the standard UI5 SAPIT Library.

If your application is already using the UI5 SAPIT Library, then simply import the cFLPAdapter function by making the following changes in your Component.js file -

function (
) {
"use strict";
return UIComponent.extend("hcng.Component", {
metadata: {
manifest: "json",



Else if you application is by default not using the UI5 SAPIT Library, then you will need to manually add the cFLPAdapter function by following the below steps.

  • Create a new folder named utils in your webapp folder of the application code.

  • Create a new file named cFLPAdapter.js and copy the code from this link and paste it in the cFLPAdapter.js file - sapitlibrary/cFLPAdapter.js at master · it-mobile/sapitlibrary

  • Now provide the correct path to the file in the Component.js as shown below:

function (
) {
"use strict";
return UIComponent.extend("YourApplicationNamespace/YourApplicationName.Component", {
metadata: {
manifest: "json",



Step 3: Adjustments on launchpad level:

You will need to allow cFLP Launchpad to access your application running on your launchpad. You will need to reach out to your respective subaccount owner(s) and request them to go to the Site Manager of the subaccount launchpad and maintain the following entry within the Security Header settings for both Test and Production subaccount -

a. For Test Subaccount:

Security Header: content-security-policy
Value: frame-ancestors 'self'

b. For Production Subaccount:

Security Header: content-security-policy
Value: frame-ancestors 'self'

c. You will also have to set your launchpad site as default within your Site Manager.

After completing the steps for migrating your application URL tile from Neo Launchpad to cFLP Launchpad in Test, you will need to reach out to the Platform CoE team to and request them manually add your application in the Test cFLP Launchpad. There is currently no IT Direct Ticket for Test cFLP.

You will need to provide them with your application name, application URL, Honeycomb NG Project ID, Tile Title, Tile Subtitle, Tile Icon, Tile Information, Semantic Object (Application ID), Action (Display) and Tile Catalog.

I would recommend implementing the changes in the Test Subaccount and Test cFLP Launchpad, thoroughly test and then implement the changes in the Production Subaccount and Production cFLP Launchpad.

Kindly ensure you test the implement the changes and test it thoroughly on the Test subaccount and Test cFLP Launchpad before implementing and requesting for Production launchpad.

After testing in the Test Subaccount and Test cFLP Launchpad, you will need to raise an IT Direct Ticket - CFLP001: Central Fiori Launchpad Tile Transport to Production | SAP IT Cloud ( to migrate your application URL tile from Neo Launchpad to cFLP Launchpad in Production. Kindly follow all guidelines mentioned in the Internal Fiori Launchpad | SAP IT Cloud.

There are additional steps as mentioned in the GitHub guidelines link - url-tile-eval/ at main · sapit-cloud-technologies/url-tile-eval ( which you might need to implement based on your application. This blog post only provides information and guidance for a Fiori application deployed in Cloud Foundry using Managed App router on how to migrate app URL tile from Neo Launchpad to new cFLP Launchpad.

Thank you ! 😄

Happy Coding ! 🙂
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