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I like to inform you about the important updates with United States Address Directories.

This article is relevant if you are using:

SAP Data Services or SAP Data Quality Management SDK

    • USA Regulatory Address Cleanse transform


    • Global Address Cleanse transform

SAP HANA 2 smart data quality (on premise)

    • Cleanse transform


    • Match transform

What Changed

The software is updated to require the new USPS CASS O compliant address directories. The older software versions will not function properly using the new directories. You should check which version of your software is compatible with which U.S. address directories as described in the SAP Note:

3303337 - US Address Directory Update for SAP Data Services and SAP HANA Smart Data Quality

Two versions of U.S. national address directories will be available to download until mid 2024 (subject to change) on SAP Support Portal - Software Downloads. You can keep using the old version (SAP ADDR US 2009) for non-certified U.S. address processing. The monthly updates for the CASS N based postal certification directories (DPV, LACSLink, RDI, SuiteLink, and Z4Change) have ended at the end of January 2024. Please refer to the U.S. Directory Update for additional details.

The details of CASS O updates in SAP Data Services 4.3 SP2 can be found in the What’s New document.

Important Dates

The following dates are some important dates to be aware of while transitioning into the new CASS O cycle.

Feb 28, 2023 to July 31, 2023

If you enable U.S. postal certification within SAP Data Services USA Regulatory Address Cleanse transform, install SAP Data Services 4.3 SP02 and download SAP ADDR US 2023 address directories to be USPS CASS O compliant by the end of July 2023.

Select the CASS O compliant directories from the Software Downloads with either “2023” or “CASS O” in their names for National, eLOT, DPV, LACSLINK, RDI, SUITELINK, and Z4CHANGE directories.

August 1, 2023

USPS starts requiring CASS O reporting for postal certification. SAP Data Services 4.2 will end the CASS N support, and the monthly directory updates for CASS N based postal certification will also end.

September 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023

SAP Data Services 4.3 SP02 patch 3 release will include the new CASS O compliant NCOALink and DSF reports. Install this version by the end of September 2023 to be ready for the processing month of October. Please check the Release Notes to confirm the details.

September 26, 2023

SAP HANA 2 SP7 patch 3 (2.00.073) release will start requiring the new SAP ADDDR US 2023 address directories instead of the old SAP ADDDR US 2009 address directories. Please check the Release Notes to confirm the revision that supports these updates.

November 1, 2023

USPS starts to accept the NCOALink and DSF monthly reports in the new format (for processing month of October). If you did not install SAP Data Services 4.3 SP02 Patch 3 by the end of September, 2023, you will need to save the reports from the old software version before you install the latest version of SAP Data Services 4.3. You can email the reports from the old software version to USPS for this month.

December 1, 2023

USPS starts to require the NCOALink and DSF monthly reports in the new format (for processing month of November). SAP Data Services 4.3 SP02 Patch 3 or higher is required for these reports.


Again, please check SAP Note 3303337 for the details that may apply to you.