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SAP Build Code, operating within SAP Business Technology Platform, is an application development environment for Java and JavaScript, providing developers with a turnkey solution for coding, testing, integration and application life cycle management. It provides a simplified developer experience, AI-based code generation with Joule copilot that drives productivity, is tailored for SAP development and supports fusion development by teams of professional and citizen developers.   

This blog focuses on leveraging Joule’s generative AI features for SAP Fiori application development directly from the business requirement description(user story) prompt.


Business Requirement

Create an SAP Fiori application as per the requirements outlined in the user story below:

User Story

As a contract administrator, I want to create and manage contracts and ‘parties involved’ information in the system, so that I can effectively track and handle legal agreements and ‘parties involved’ interactions.

Contracts can cover a vast range of agreements, such as sales contracts, service agreements and employment contracts.

Party involved: A ‘party involved’ is an individual, organization, or entity that purchases goods, products, or services from another party, typically a business or seller.

Common attributes of a contract might include:

  1. Contract ID: A unique identifier for the contract.
  2. Party involved Identification Number: A unique identification number for the party involved.
  3. Contract Type: The type of contract (e.g. sales, service, employment).
  4. Start Date: The date on which the contract becomes valid.
  5. End Date: The date on which the contract expires (if applicable).
  6. Status: The current status of the contract (draft, active, expired, terminated, etc.)

A typical ‘party involved’ has the following attributes:

  1. Party involved Identification Number
  2. Party involved Name: It refers to the given name of a person or entity, or a label by which they are addressed or identified.
  3. Party involved Address: It refers to a physical location where an individual, business, or entity is situated or can be reached.
  4. Party involved Contact Information

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario 1: List All Contracts

Given I am logged into the contract management system, when I launch the SAP Fiori application to maintain contracts, then I should be able to view the list of all the contracts in a list without pressing the GO button. The list of all the contracts should have : Contract ID, Party involved Identification Number, Contract Type and Start Date. The list of filters should include Contract Type, Contract Status and Start Date.

Scenario 2: View Contract Details 

Given I am logged into the contract management system, when I select a specific contract from the list of SAP Fiori application, then I should be able to view the contract details and parties involved information.


Joule's Generative AI-based SAP Fiori App Development


1. Create a New Project using SAP Build Code

1.1.  Navigate to the SAP Build lobby

1.2.  Click on Create

Create a ProjectCreate a Project







1.3 Click the Build an Application tile

Build an ApplicationBuild an Application

1.4  Click the SAP Build Code tile

SAP Build CodeSAP Build Code

1.5  Click the Full-Stack Application tile

Full-Stack ApplicationFull-Stack Application

1.6 Create a full stack project.

Contract Management ProjectContract Management Project


2. Create an SAP Fiori App via Prompt

2.1.  Click the project to open it in SAP Business Application Studio

2.2.  Click the Open Guide

Open GuideOpen Guide

2.3. Expand the 'SAP Fiori UI Node'

Expand the 'Create an SAP Fiori Application Directly from Your Business Requirements' node. Click the Open Joule button to launch Joule's AI assistant for SAP Fiori tools.

Joule's SAP Fiori Tools Generative AIJoule's SAP Fiori Tools Generative AI

2.4. Send requirement prompt to Joule

Prompt the user story description(refer to Business Requirement section above) to Joule and click send.

Send business requirement description to JouleSend business requirement description to Joule

Joule now checks the input against the list of features it supports and implements them.

Joule's artifacts creation based on promptJoule's artifacts creation based on prompt

Click Show Result to review the generated artifacts. If fine, accept the changes to generate the project in your file system.

Accept Project FilesAccept Project Files

2.5. Preview the generated application

Click run and debug.

Run and DebugRun and Debug

The application's preview is displayed.

Application PreviewApplication Preview

Launch the contract management app.

Contract ManagementContract Management

Select a contract from the list to view its details.

Select ContractSelect Contract

Contract detailsContract details


Joule's SAP Fiori tools generative AI can really expedite the SAP Fiori development by directly translating the business requirements into an SAP Fiori elements application containing a list report and one or two object pages as part of a CAP project. The generated application can further be adapted to accommodate more complex functionalities.

With SAP Build Code, application is developed automatically following the "golden path," utilising SAP best practices and integrated assistance to build quickly and integrate seamlessly.


Further Information

SAP Build Code



Please feel free to add a comment, should you have any queries.

Best Regards,
Anuradha Dhingan