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While using SAP Mobile Documents for more than 6 months, I always felt a need for an easy way to quickly jump to a particular document by just searching for its name. Sometimes, my colleague shared a file with me and I had to search for the document in the team share hierarchy. I had to remember the path to the document and navigate to it to open it. It was manageable but tiring.

A reason to be happier with SP3 is the ‘Search’ feature from SAP Mobile Documents. It enables me to search my documents directly from mobile devices and Web Client.

The search looks-up for document names, file extensions and text inside documents. For search in text inside documents administrators have to do some configurations on the server. I will share some information about this later.

On Web and Mobile Client

When you are inside a particular share, you can start the search in any folder or repository. Here are some snapshots from different clients.

In Browser:


On iPhone:

On Android Mobile Device:

On mobile devices the results are also categorized into Files and Folders to assist easy look-up.

Offline search on Mobile Devices

For mobile clients you can also search documents when you are offline. The offline search feature only looks into the documents which are on the device or whose names are cached on the device i.e.

  1. Documents which were read before or documents which were marked for offline access
  2. Document whose file names were cached, while user was navigated a document hierarchy

Search based on backend repository

SAP Mobile Documents can connect to any CMIS compliant content repositories, but the way search works in different repository can differ. SAP Mobile Documents gives same UI for triggering search in different backend repository and presenting search results, hence presenting a consistent user interface for users

Some repositories support search in content inside documents. For these repositories the administrator needs to configure the search capability in the back-end. Once configured it will be available in SAP Mobile Documents. For example in case of KM text based search in content can be enabled by enabling indexing.

This blog How to connect TREX to SAP NetWeaver AS Java and setup an index for SAP NetWeaver Portal KM reposito... from simon.oehm also explains how you can setup indexes for KM.