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today I found something useful in SAP Support Portal which I tried out and wanted to show that to ya'll :smile:
So I found note 1898395 - Secondary Index on InfoObject master data tables.
This note enables you to generate secondary indeces on masterdata tables via RSD1 by simply checking a checkbox.
No Se11 hassle for index creation required :smile:
We all know that secondary indices are quite useful in many ways in the datawarehouse world.
This does also apply to InfoObjects - but keep in mind not to create to many indices at once since this can lower your loading performance.
The only thing that is not that cool is doing some manual work (no transport in note attached) but the result is worth it in my opinion:
What you need in advance:
1. Access to generate SCCR - Registration Codes for Objects
2. Creation of 2 datatypes, modification of 1 table and 2 structures (from SAP)
3. Maintenance of table RSADMIN using SE38
4. SAP BW 7.3 - 7.31 - 7.40
Ready? Interested?  - let do this:
(Some parts of this description are directly from the note // screenshots are in German but you get the idea)
1. Create 2 data elements in transaction SE11
a) SE11 -> Datatypes ->RSDATRINDXFL

- In the Data type, type in value : RSDATRINDXFL
- Click Create button
- Select Data element
- Click Ok
- Under the Data Type tab
- In the Domain, type in value : RSDCNVFL
- Under the Attributes tab
- In the Package, type in value : RSD (I did it when saving and activating the object)
- If logged in English,
- Enter the Short Description as : Indicator as to whether the attribute will be part of index
- Under the Field Label tab
- Short 10 IndexAttr.
- Medium 19 Index attribute
- Long 30 Index attribute
- Heading 30 Index attribute
- Save and activate the element
b) SE11 -> Datatypes ->RSINDXFL
- In the Data type, type in value : RSINDXFL
- Click Create button
- Select Data element
- Click Ok
- Under the Data Type tab
- In the Domain, type in value : BOOLE
- Under the Attributes tab
- In the Package, type in value : RSD
- If logged in English,
- Enter the Short Description as : Indicator as to whether the attribute will be part of index
- Under the Field Label tab
- Short 10 IndexAttr.
- Medium 19 Index attribute
- Long 30 Index attribute
- Heading 30 Index attribute
- Save and activate
2. Modify 2 structures in transaction SE11
a) SE11 -> Structure -> RSDO_S_ATR
- In the Data type, type in value : RSDO_S_ATR
- Click on the Change button
- In the Components tab
- Using the Insert Row button, between Component ATRTIMFL and Component F4ORDER, insert a new Component.
- In the Component column, type in value : ATRINDXFL
- In the Component Type column, type in value : RSDATRINDXFL
- Activate
b) SE11 -> Structure -> RSDGSCATR
- In the Data type, type in value : RSDGSCATR
- Click on the Change button
- In the Components tab
- Using the Insert Row button, after the APPENDNM Component, insert a new Component.
- In the Component column, type in value : INDXFL
- In the Component Type column, type in value : RSINDXFL
- Activate

3. Modify 1 transparent table in transaction SE11

a) SE11 -> Tables -> RSDBCHATR

- In the Database table, type in value : RSDBCHATR

- Click on the Change button

- Using the Insert Row button, between Field ATRTIMFL and Field F4ORDER, insert a new field.

- In the Field column, type in value : ATRINDXFL

- Check the Initial Values checkbox

- In the Data element column, type in value : RSDATRINDXFL

- Activate

Almost done - but we still need to maintain table RSADMIN, so lets go:
4. Maintain RSADMIN using Program SE38 -> SAP_RSADMIN_MAINTAIN
a. Enable Master Data Secondary Index (for BW 7.30 and 7.31 ONLY)

- Go to Transaction SE38


- Enter 'RS_ENABLE_MD_SECONDARY_INDEXES' for Object and 'X' for Value

- Select the 'INSERT' radio button

- Execute the report to create the new entry in table RSADMIN

b. Remove key from Secondary Index (for BW 7.30, 7.31 AND 7.40 ONLY)

By default, the technical key (DATETO/DATEFROM/Current InfoObject/OBJVERS) will be included as part

of secondary index. To remove the technical key, you must maintain a RSADMIN parameter.

- Go to Transaction SE38


- Enter 'RS_NO_TECH_FIELDS_SEC_INDEXES' for Object and 'X' for Value

- Select the 'INSERT' radio button

- Execute the report to create the new entry in table RSADMIN

Still there?

We almost got it - now download note 1898395 via transaction SNOTE and implement the note.

Since we did all we were asked of - we are good to go.

Sooo now how does it look like?

And if we check the tables of the characteristic?

How does it look like?

Now we are able to create secondary indices on Characteristics and all will be done automatically.

I am not sure when, how, if - this note will be implemented officially but I kinda like this.

One note at the end:
If you want to remove the index and add another one, make sure to remove the
index first and activate, then add the new index and activate.

So long,


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