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As part of SAP PI migration to BTP Integration Suite, there are specific features available in SAP PI but not available in BTP Integration Suite. 

Two of the important features of SAP PI are:

  • Communication channel stop, start
    • This tool is useful during deployment to control data flows. As an example, we have MQ messages in queue and we have stopped channel, data will not be send to SAP systems in the backend during deployment or maintenance activities. 
  • Communication channel templates
    • these templates are useful to apply specific template in a specific environment communication channel to semi automate deployment steps


In order to overcome these challenges, we have implemented "Deploy Undeploy Config tool". 

This tool is having below features:

  • To deploy or undeploy
    • specific integration flows
    • specific api proxies
  • To Configure
    • In a specific tenant, configure params and deploy integration flows


High level flow:



This tool needs to support multiple artifacts

Trigger process for this tool execution is based on json payload from client tool like postman:



JSON field




At root level, its mandatory to populate this field

At artifact level, this field is optional and if field is available at artifact level, it will act based on artifact level and ignores root level action.

UNDEPLOY – Undeploys all integration flows and api proxies

DEPLOY - Deploys all integration flows and api proxies

CONFDEPLOY – Configure integration flows, deploy integration flow’s

UNDEPLOYCONFDEPLOY – Undeploy’s integration flow, Configure integration flows, deploy integration flow’s

API proxies support only actions DEPLOY and UNDEPLOY


Integration Flow Id (under Artifacts) or

API proxy id (under API)

ParameterKey and ParameterValue

Integration flow externalized parameter key and value

It’s optional in case if Action is UNDEPLOY or DEPLOY

Artifacts, Parameters and API

It’s a json array and handle multiple artifacts and API proxies



  1. create credential to trigger integration flow from postman with this role ESBMessaging.send:
    1. create instance deployundeployconfig with process integration runtime and integration flow plan:
    2. use default setting of role and grant types and create instance:
    3. After creating instance, create service key with name deployundeployconfig and these credentials will be used to run any client tool like postman 
  2. API proxy credentials:
    1. create an instance deployundeployapiproxy with role APIPortal.Administrator
    2. create service deployundeployapiproxy with default credential type:
    3. this specific credential needs to be used within tool configuration
  3. cloud integration credentials
    1. Create role collection deployundeployconfigflows
    2. create user and assign role connection deployundeployconfigflows
    3. this user credential used for deploy or undeploy or configure integration flows

Remaining configuration details of the tool documented in part 2 blog:

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