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My Inbox is an on-premise fiori application used to process the request of business users in SAP inbox. Integrating the My Inbox application in BTP Launchpad service, helps to process the request assigned to users SAP Inbox from public network or through mobile app without connecting to Virtual private network of the respective on-premise environment.

This helps to leverage the fast processing of request and approvals assigned to SAP Business user in his SAP Inbox.

My Inbox fiori application is configured to Launchpad Service using Manual Integration method. The Cloud connector is used to create secure tunnel between BTP Cloud and on-premises environment.

Please find below the minimum version requirements of on-premise fiori front end component.


  • Launchpad service in SAP BTP

  • SAP Cloud Connector

  • SAP Fiori front end server/Embedded Fiori in S/4HANA


The integration involves below steps

  1. Configure Cloud Connector with S/4HANA On-Premise System

  2. Destination creation at BTP subaccount

  3. Configure SAP Launchpad Service in BTP

  4. Configure SAP On-Premise system


1.   Configure Cloud Connector with S/4HANA On-Premise System

Email or Username to be used as subject pattern for principal propagation between My Inbox On-Premise application and SAP Launchpad service in BTP using cloud connector

1.1  Register Cloud Connector to the subaccount using S-user

1.2  Configure Cloud to On-Premise connection using https protocol with X.509 certificate for Principal type.

1.3  In the URL path section, allow access to the required path and sub path.

Note: For Cloud Connector version below 2.15 select X509 Certificate with General usage as Principal Type.

1.4  Navigate to configuration menu, Select On-Premise section to generate system and CA certificate (Self signed or CA signed certificate)

1.5  Configure “email” as the subject pattern for Principal Propagation and generate the sample certificate with email id.


2.   Destination creation at BTP Subaccount

Create destination in BTP and configure it with virtual host and virtual port defined in cloud connector. Select Principal Propagation for authentication.


  • The destination name must be in lower case and must not have underscore ‘_’ character.

  • Additional parameter HTML5.DynamicDestination – is required for dynamic tile creation


3.   Configure SAP Launchpad Service in BTP

Navigate to Instance and Subscriptions in BTP, Select the Launchpad Service and click Go to Application to access the Site Manager.

In the Site Manager, follow the below steps to create a new app for My Inbox application. Navigate to content, Select My Content and then select New button to create App, Role, Group.

3.1   In the properties tab of App define the values for the respective parameters as given below

  • Tile -> Name for Application Tile

  • System -> Name of the destination created in section 2

  • SAPUI5 Component name -> Get the details from SAP Fiori Apps library -> My Inbox Fiori app -> Implementation Information -> Configuration –> SAP UI5 Application

3.2   In Navigation tab define the values of parameters as given below:-

  • Schematic Object -> Get the value of schematic object from Target mappings of fiori application in App library

  • Add the values of Application component (CA-INB-FIO) and AppID(F0862) of My Inbox fiori application. (Optional Parameters)

3.3  In Visualization tab define the values of parameters as given below :-

  • Visualization Type -> Dynamic Application Launcher

  • System –> Select the destination created for My Inbox in BTP subaccount

  • Service URL –> To calculate the count open task and display the numbers in dynamic tile sap/opu/odata/IWPGW/TASKPROCESSING;v=2;mo/TaskCollection/$count/?$filter=Status eq 'READY' or Status eq 'RESERVED' or Status eq 'IN_PROGRESS' or Status eq 'EXECUTED'

  • Refresh Interval –> Periodic Interval to refresh the dynamic value of open task.

Note: Refresh Interval set to 0, disables the periodic refresh functionality and the count gets updated only when manually refreshed

3.4   In the Translation tab you can select the supported languages in Translate To section.

3.5   In the Content Manager, create role and group for My Inbox application and assign the Role to the created group.

3.6   Create a new site from site directory and assign My Inbox role or else you can also assign the role to existing site.

3.7   The role created in section 3.5 will be available in BTP role collection and the same must be mapped to the users in BTP against the identity provider used to authenticate the users.

4.    Configure SAP On-premise system

4.1   Login to backend On-premise system, STRUST transaction and upload the cloud connector system certificate into SAP Server Standard PSE.

4.2   Execute CERTRULE transaction, upload the generated sample certificate from cloud connector (in section 1.4) and create rule with E-Mail as the identifier.

Click Ext. Attribute and select the case sensitivity in certificate entries.

4.3   Add the below listed parameter in default profile of backend system and restart the system, for temporary testing, perform hard restart of ICM.

  • login/certificate_mapping_rulebased – 1

  • icm/trusted_reverse_proxy_0 - SUBJECT=”, OU=PM, O=SAP, C=DE”, ISSUER=”, OU=PM, O=SAP, C=DE”


This blog outlines the steps involved in integrating My Inbox app in on-premise environment with SAP Launchpad service in BTP and this integration enables a channel to process request of an on-premise system in private network using BTP Cloud service in public network or using SAP Start Mobile Application.

The same process and steps are applicable for other SAPUI5 apps as well.

The SAP Note 3042853 provides additional information on restrictions in integrating on-premise applications with SAP Launchpad Service.

For more details on Setup and Integration of BTP Launchpad service, refer to the help document.

Please feel free to post your questions in comment section or in SAP Community for Launchpad Service
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