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Hi Everyone, 

We have recently implemented the the standard and flexible  solution to replicate worker/user/employee data from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to  Azure AD/Onprem AD  and it was an amazing successful implementation . The standard solution is  in collaboration of  SAP SuccessFactros and Microsoft  without any middleware with minimal configuration in SF EC and in MS ENTRA. This is an excellent and seamless integration to replicate employee data to Azure AD/ Onprem AD . 

Initially I was planning  of providing end to end solution steps from my experience but  I found one of our colleagues already provided the same and you can refer below blog for complete solution.

Please find below architectural overview  of the entire solution and is self explanatory. 



In my blog, I would like to talk about the challenging issues that we have faced to replicate future dated hires though they are inactive in SAP SuccessFactros Employee Central. 

As per current solution,  if the employee is hired directly in SF EC without onboarding with future dated hire date then it will be replicated/provisioned to Azure AD/ AD seamlessly wihtout any issues. 

However, if hiring will be completed in Onboarding module  and then employees are flowing into SF EC after all approvals there is an issue. 

If Employee hired in Onboarding with future dated and user account will be inactive until the hire date reaches in both SF EC and Onboarding as well. 

Hence, when Azure AD/ AD interface tries to pull these future dated hires from SF EC then these users will  be skipped. The normal  SAP SF EC API user which is configured in Azure AD /AD cannot read these users due to RBP issue. There is a need to provide extra RBP  to read the future dated hires which are inactive in SF EC and  SF EC is treated them as All Onboarding Externals. 

Hence, to ensure Azure AD/AD  to extract these future dated hires directly  from SF EC/Onboarding  specific  RBP needs to be setup  to the API user that has been created in SF EC by giving target population as All(External Onboarding User)

Hope this helps if anyone facing the same issue and it takes time to find and rectify because everything looks fine  but issue cannot resolved. 


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Thank you Very Much,

Prakash J

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