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Now that the Fiori apps are included within the SAP software, I wanted to know (as a SAP technical basis consultant) what the steps and the effort would be to get one app up-and-running.

Although there is a lot of Fiori documentation available, I had trouble to get an overview of the technical steps to get one Fiori app working.


I realize that the below steps only apply to the system I installed (with the specific release and patch level) and the app I choose (because each app has specific after care), but it will gave me an idea what technical steps are needed and where I found the documentation and software.

The app I configured was: MyContacts.



As I said, this is for me only a way to get hands-on experience with Fiori.

To keep the costs low I choose a system setup with 1 combined frontend and backend system.

So just to be clear: normally you choose a system setup with a separate frontend server (with Gateway) and backend system (with SAP ERP for example).

I have installed SAP ECC 6.0 Ehp7 and I used the integrated Gateway which comes already out of the box when you install this system.

Just for your information I installed this SAP ECC system on AWS on a m3.large server.

The installation came automatically with the following patch level:






And the installation of SAP ECC 6.0 Ehp7 came with kernel version 741


Patches and add-ons

To get the basis of the system up-to-date I installed the following patches via SPAM:

  • SAP_GWFND patch 6

  • SAP_UI patch 7 and 8


And I installed the FIORI ERP APPLICATIONS X2 1.0 as add-ons via transaction SAINT.

The software you can download from > Software download > Installation and upgrades > A-Z index > F > SAP Fiori > SAP Fiori for Suite > FIORI ERP APPLICATIONS X2

When you go there you will see 5 downloadable objects:



But out of these 5, I only had to install the 2 UI add-ons via SAINT.

The 3 GBX are not needed as they are already in the system (included in the EA-APPL).

When you try to install these GBX you get the message:



So now we have the basic installation and patching done

The patch level in SPAM looks like:



We can start with the configuration part.



Configuration general


Activate services

Activate the following services (under default_host>sap) via transaction SICF:

opu > utils > initial_logon

opu > odata > ui2

public > bc > ui5_ui5

public > bc > ui2

public > opu > resources

public> myssocntl

bc > ui2 > start_up

bc > ui5_ui5 > ui2 > launchpage

bc > ui5_ui5 > ui2 > tilechips

bc > ui5_ui5 > ui2 > ushell

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > arsrvc_lpd_c

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > arsrvc_sm

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > arsrvc_spb_admn

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > arsrvc_suite_pb

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > arsrvc_upb_admn

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > ar_srvc_launch

bc > ui5_ui5 > sap > ar_srvc_news



Create a trusted RFC between Gateway and Backend system.

As I said, to keep the costs low I have a combined frontend and backend system setup.

So I only created in transaction SM59 an RFC connection to itself.

It should have the nameconvention: <SID>CLNT<CLIENT>.

And in the Logon & Security tab it should use the current user.



In case you use a separate frontend and backend system, you have to create a trusted RFC connection.

So on each system create an RFC destination to the other system and make it trusting via transaction SMT1.



Creating the SAP System Alias for Applications

SAP Transaction SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > Gateway > Odata Channel > Configuration > Connection Settings > SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP System > Manage SAP System Aliases

Here we have to create a new entry.

I created the entry with the name ERP. Use the RFC destination that was created in the previous step.



Activation of SAP NetWeaver Gateway

SAP Transaction SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > Gateway > Odata Channel > Configuration > Connection Settings > Activate or Deactivate SAP NetWeaver Gateway

Here we have to choose "Activate".



Add Gateway and UI5 Services


Choose Add Service.

Maintain local in System Alias field and choose Enter.

A list of services now appear who are not yet activated:



Now we select the services that need to be activated.

In this case we will do: LAUNCHPAD

Enter the Package the object shall be assigned to. In case the objects are not transported select Local Object (this is what I did).

Choose Enter.

Confirm the information message that the metadata was loaded successfully.

Perform the same steps that you just did for LAUNCHPAD, but now for:










Configuration Fiori app specific

The app I configured was MyContact.

The configuration for the specific configuration can be found in the SAP Help.


First I activated the related service in transaction SICF.

I searched for *mycontact* and activated it:



Second I activated the specific app with transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE

We see that MyContact has no system alias assigned yet:



Add a system alias.

Only fill in the Service Doc Identifier: in this case search for “SD_MYCONTACTS”

And use the created alias “ERP” (which is an RFC to this system itself, because the Gateway and backend system are one and the same)



The result:



We can already test this service to see of we get an error by clicking on the "Call Browser"-button in the left corner window.

I got the message "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."

So no error is shown.


FYI: Gateway errors can be show via transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG



I created a user TESTFIORI.

End users must have authorization object S_RFCACL assigned to them before they can use a trusted connection.



In transaction PFCG I filled in the following roles:




For both roles I did the following:

  • Go into change mode (we need the "Authorizations"-tab and "Users"-tab to be green)

  • Goto "Authorizations"-tab and Change autorisation data. Save and Generate the authorizations (normally a functional authorization colleague will perform this action for you)

  • Goto "Users"-tab and add your TESTFIORI user to the list of users. After this perform a User Comparison > Complete comparison

Both tabs should be green now.


We also need to add some basic Fiori authorizations.

I decided to add them to the SAP_SD_MYCONT_APP as this user already has this role (not so nice maybe, but this is just used as a demo).

So on in transaction PFCG authorization tab of SAP_SD_MYCONT_APP go to Change Authorization Data under the Maintain Authorization Data and Generate Profiles section.

Select Edit > "Insert authorization(s) > From template..."

I choose the following two (one by one):



After this again Save and Generate.




First I want in the Launchpad designer to create a specific group for this app.

Start the Fiori Launchpad Designer via:



First time we start we see not much:



Create a new catalog by clicking on the + sign in the left corner.



And create also a new Group by going to the Group tab and click on the + sign.



Now add an app in this newly created group:



Click on the + sign and add MyContacts:

The result:




Now we have to go back to SAP transaction PFCG and add this newly created group to the user TESTFIORI.

We edit the role SAP_SD_MYCONT_APP which this user TESTFIORI already has.

Goto "Menu"-tab and in the button-bar change the "Transaction"-button so that it becomes the "Group"-button.

Choose the group we created in the Designer:





Now start the Fiori Launchpad


and logon with the newly created user.



There are more apps shown but this is because they came along also with the patches I installed.

When I click on the MyContacts app:



There is no data in the system as I newly installed it, but for me this was what I wanted to see: an app in the Fiori Launchpad :smile: .

And it also works form my smart phone:




During the installation and configuration I ran into a number of issues.

They can be prevented when you perform the steps in the above order.

To prevent some basic mistakes, remember that there is a need for:

  • Patching Gateway and SAP_UI

  • General configuration & authorization for basic Fiori

  • App specific configuration & authorization

  • Opening the ICM server port of the SAP system in firewall (if you want to access it via public Internet via your mobile device)


Troubleshooting tips:

  • SU53 to see what autorization you miss

  • /IWFND/ERROR_LOG to see the application logs

  • dev_icm to see the errors in the ICM trace



Summary of the effort

My technical effort was:

  • Setup AWS system + download software = 1 day

  • Installation ECC system + patching = 2 days

  • Configuration general + Fiori app specific = 2 day

  • Testing and documentation = 1 day


Of course this was just a simple test with a combined frontend / backend system and only one app.

But also with this limited setup for myself I got a feeling for the steps that a technical basis consultant needs to perform.


It is also possible to deploy a complete preconfigured Fiori solution on AWS via the CAL (Cloud Appliance Library).

The steps for this are described in my next blog.



Best regards,


Former Member

Thanks Marco

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Marco -

Simple and Very neat!!

I do have an another clarification - If I am keeping the netweaver gateway (Front end system) as a separate landscape and not the embedded one means, the users which I am creating in Netweaver gateway instance - Will count as an additional user license?




Hello Marco,

Excellent explanation and very helpful for me.

Thank you,

Ramesh Yadav

Former Member

For the licensing thread - Which I asked earlier, this will be helpful



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Marco,

Thanks for the explanation.

I've a doubt about the Smart Business Data. says that the Fiori launchpad must to be configured, and after that what package I should must to include into frontend/backend server?

Thanks for advance.


Active Contributor
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Please create a new Discussion marked as a Question.

Regards, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

Former Member

nice article

Former Member

good one

Former Member

Hi Marco

Excellent blog. I really appreciate your effort.

Former Member

Hi & Thanks Marco!!!
Great work and effort for compilation this information, its invaluable!.

Best Regards,



Very clear each step, very helpful to do it for one self

wonderful article.thank you

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Tanmeya,

Unless you are asking for clarification/correction of some part of the Document, please create a new Discussion marked as a Question.  The Comments section of a Blog (or Document) is not the right vehicle for asking questions as the results are not easily searchable.  Once your issue is solved, a Discussion with the solution (and marked with Correct Answer) makes the results visible to others experiencing a similar problem.  If a blog or document is related, put in a link.  Read the Getting Started documents (link at the top right) including the Rules of Engagement. 

NOTE: Getting the link is easy enough for both the author and Blog.  Simply MouseOver the item, Right Click, and select Copy Shortcut.  Paste it into your Discussion.  You can also click on the url after pasting.  Click on the A to expand the options and select T (on the right) to Auto-Title the url.

Thanks, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

Former Member

Helpful document..!!

Former Member

Thank you., Great effort. Thanks for sharing

Former Member

Hi Marco,

Excellent blog, Thanks for sharing!



0 Kudos

Hi Marcus and fellow Colleagues Good day.. My company is ready to implement some modules of sap fiori functionality i.e View Pay sheets.Compile Leave requests,Travel Approval and Clothing orders on HR We are running an hr system on our backend (oracle 11) that runs on the ffg SAP_ABA  - SAPKA73116 SAP_APPL -  SAPKH60615 SAP_HR  - SAPKE60498 Running ehp6 for for  erp 6.0 and sap netweaver ehp3 for 7.0 I have read the ffg notes on all the documentation that you guys provide.. Very detail.. 2170223 - General Information: FIORI UI Infrastructure Components Q3/2015, Q4/2015 and Q1/2016 2219596 - SAP Fiori front-end server 2.0 - General Information 2200415 - Release of Fiori Product Versions for SAP UI Addon 2.0 / SAP_UI 7.50 I am going the way of a new install Netweaver 7.5 abap front -end system with oracle 12.. which will connect to my backend ( can it be abap only  or must  it be java as well) On top of this I will install my sap fiori front end server 2.0 install by means of the add-ons ( gateway and all) Thereafter all my sp's and patches Thereafter I will install my add-ons on my backend hr system for the fiori apps Appreciate any confirmation on this please as I need to know is this the correct implementation route Appreciate any Help

Active Contributor
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Unless you are asking for clarification/correction of some part of the Document, please create a new Discussion marked as a Question.  The Comments section of a Blog (or Document) is not the right vehicle for asking questions as the results are not easily searchable.  Once your issue is solved, a Discussion with the solution (and marked with Correct Answer) makes the results visible to others experiencing a similar problem.  If a blog or document is related, put in a link.  Read the Getting Started documents (link at the top right) including the Rules of Engagement. 

NOTE: Getting the link is easy enough for both the author and Blog.  Simply MouseOver the item, Right Click, and select Copy Shortcut.  Paste it into your Discussion.  You can also click on the url after pasting.  Click on the A to expand the options and select T (on the right) to Auto-Title the url.

Thanks, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is not the place for asking questions.  Open a new Discussion for your Question.

Regards, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

Former Member

Thank you, nice blog.



Former Member

THANKS Marco - Great!

Former Member

Thank you

it's much useful


Hello Marco,

thanks a lot for your uselful document.

I follow steps, but in my catalog, I can not see any My Contacts!

Can you suggets me why I can not see it?



Former Member

Thanks Marco, a good end-to-end document.


Thanks Marco

It was explained so good and completely!


Hi Marco,

Excellent blog. It will be better if u explain one app with separate frontend and backend servers.

Former Member

Thanks Marco, nice blog !

Former Member
0 Kudos
Thank you for using this best information..really its very useful to beginners..

MPSC Clerk Typist Result
Former Member
0 Kudos
Very  usefull
0 Kudos
Thanks m.stitselaar ,

Very useful document .
0 Kudos
Hi Marco,


I was trying to search about Fiori implementation docs and this is very useful. I am also trying to setup my own system in AWS for hands on experience. My question is how can we get an SAP license to install any additional components for our own system in SAINT.
0 Kudos

Really simple and Nice one!

Thanks for the contribution to the community.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi @mstitsel 

Thanks !!! Great effort and very detailed step by step.

I would be glad to discuss this very old blog post and the "new steps" to reach the same result today.


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