The initial goal of the tool is to search hierarchically the Released Basic CDS views of Database Tables.
The goal is extended to generally search hierarchically for parent views of a data source (Database table, CDS view or DDic view). That made it possible to also search for Root CDS views which are used in RAP behavior definitions.
Also showing a list of all CDS views is now possible. Filtering can be done in the selection screen and in the IDA ALV grid.
Version 1 used SAP table DDLS_RIS_INDEX, however the table does not specify which data source is the main data source. So therefor the tool needs it's own index database table (ZSCV_CDS_REL) containing only the main data source (on other words the sql FROM) of a CDS view. The tool is now precise and faster.
In the list search method filtering on the Main Database Table name is also possible, because it is also buffered in the Index database table of the tool (ZSCV_CDS_REL).
Start the tool
- Transaction ZCDS_VIEW_SEARCH.
Index Table
The program uses a custom index table. So if you want new or changed custom CDS views in the results, than than you have to click the button "Delta update CDS Index Table" to update the index.

After a SAP upgrade the program ZSCV_SEARCH_INDEXER should be executed in background. See chapter "After SAP upgrade".
Search Method

There are two Search Methods. For the Hierarchy search one child data source (Database table, CDS view or DDic view) must be entered, so that tool can search hierarchically all parent data sources (CDS views and DDic views).
The List search shows all CDS views. The selection screen can filter the list and the results in the IDA ALV grid can be filtered.
Filtering on one Main Database Table should result in the same CDS views.
Search CDS View Scenarios
Scenario: Find Basic Views of DB table
We need for Business Object Sales Order stored in database table VBAK the Basic CDS view.
By the parameters are set to find the released basic CDS views:

- Fill the Database Table

- Press F8

- See that there is one Super Entity View which is I_SalesDocument. But specifically for Sales Order the Sub CDS view / Entity I_SalesOrder should be used.
- The Super and Sub are manually registered and are not registered for all CDS views.
This result can also created by using Search Method List.

Scenario: Find all not released basic views of DB table
If you don't find a Released Basic CDS View, than it could be that a Basic CDS View is not yet released by SAP.

- When Search Method List you can see an overview of Released and Unreleased Basic CDS views.

- See that T142 and T142T have no released Basic CDS views, but T143 and T143T do have released Basic CDS views.
Scenario: Find all related views of DB table
- Go back to the selection screen.
- Push button All in frame View Type to clear the selection.

- Push button All statuses in frame API State to clear the selection.

- Press F8

- See there are 542 CDS views found.
- You can also add the DDic views to the result and than you see 634 views.
Scenario: Find all Basic cds views
This can be done by using the List Search Method.
- Restart the tool.
- Select the List Search Method.

- By default the Released Basic CDS views are selected.

- Press F8

- Now you have a complete list of all Released Basic CDS views with the Main DB Table.
The list can be exported to Excel.
Search RAP Object Scenarios
Scenario: Find Released RAP Object for Business Object Sales Order stored in DB table VBAK
- Fill the Database Table

- Keep the API state selection unchanged.

- Set Main RAP Entity to X

- Press F8

- See that VBAK has 7 CDS views which are related to a RAP Behavior Definition.
Specifically for Sales Orders we should use I_SalesOrderTP.
When no released RAP Root entity is found, than you can search for unreleased RAP Root entity by clearing the API State fields by pushing on button "All statuses".
How does querying work?
Below you see a diagram starting from CDS View I_SalesOrder to it's main source I_SalesDocument and so on till it's main source table VBAK.

- [1] The most important new feature is that the tool has now it’s own CDS View index database table (ZSCV_CDS_REL) containing the relation between the CDS view and the main data source, which is retrieved from the SQL FROM. The tool was based on SAP CDS index database table DDLS_RIS_INDEX, which contains relations to all related CDS views, also the JOINs and COMPOSITIONs and ASSOCIATIONs, without indicating which data source is the main data source. Therefor this new index table is needed. On a S/4HANA 2022 Core system there are about 90.000 CDS views. Filling the index table takes about 1 hour. After that you start searching.
- [2] The second new feature is that the main database table name is buffered in the new index table. For example the main database table of I_SalesOrder is VBAK. For all the CDS views the hierarchy search is executed to determine the main database table. It takes about 10 hours to fill all main database table names.
- Use ABAP Git to install the software.
- Download code from GitHub:
- Start in background task program ZSCV_SEARCH_INDEXER. Now wait for about one hour.

- In the search program you can that the indexer is stil running.

After SAP upgrade
After a SAP upgrade the program ZSCV_SEARCH_INDEXER should be executed in background with Delta update.
Tip: When indexer process is cancelled
- Select "Reset run statuses" and set the From date and time to time point just before the last time the indexer ran.