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Smartforms assigned to technician cannot be edited by a service leader

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I have a question regarding editing smartforms that are assigned to a different user.

Use case is that technician A has an activity with smartform assigned. After performing their tasks in the smartform, there is techician B (serivce leader) adding some information in the same smartform.

It seems that this is not possible without assigning the smartform to technician B even though the relevant admin policy group says ChecklistInstance Upddate = ALL.
Is this assumption correct and if so, has this recently changed?


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@Spalti this behavior is by design:

  • A user can edit element values in a checklist instance if
    • the checklist instance is open AND is the responsible person of the checklist instance AND they have permission for checklist instance UPDATE = ALL or OWN

Currently there is no other option to edit smartform by different technician than the responsible one.

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Hi Krzysztof! Thanks for the reply. Where in the documentation can I find this?