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4RF - Project Control - Resourcing and Procurement in relation to/with Q stock in STO's

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Our question is: can we  move Special Stock Q from one Plant/Company Code to another Plant/Company Code?


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Yes, its possible to create an STO / Delivery with account assignment to a WBS Element. Where you can transfer from a WBS Element in plant A to the same WBS Element in Plant B via the STO process. (Currently it is only possible to provide one WBS element in STO)

When the STO is created they enter the WBS. The Outbound Delivery is created for the same WBS. They post the 641Q and the 101Q and both refer to the same WBS Element

KBA 2628973 - Stock Transport Order between different Sales Orders / WBS Elements.

If you want an issuing from one wbs and then receive into a second WBS Element (2 separate wbs elements)

Since the WBS Element needs to be specified in the Stock Transport Order and we only have 1 field for a single WBS Element, it is not possible to specify an issuing WBS Element different than a receiving WBS Element. We just move the stock of the project assigned to the WBS Element between two plants.

A workaround could be to use 'Post Goods Movement' (MIGO) here it is possible to make a transfer posting with the movement type 415 Q from here you can then specify two different WBS Elements in the transfer. However the 415Q posting is not part of the STO / Delivery process – its completely separate so as a result there is no Billing Documents / Invoicing for the 415Q posting.