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SRM biddinge - remove/change fields in RFx

0 Kudos


Is it possible to change description at fields in RFx (open as bidder in SRM)? Like in the RFx overviev, the colum "End date", we would like to change description to "Submission deadline".

Is it possible to remove (make invisible) fields in RFx (open as bidder in SRM? There er fields when bidder opens the RFx (like opening date, end of binding period) which we want to remove/make invisible

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Answers (4)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jane,

I hope you had a great time.

You transfer the Rfx via XML, right? Could you please check, if you can find the value in the XML?

I checked the transfer logic that replicates the Rfx from SRM to SUS. This logic has a BAdI for mapping the Rfx data into the XML. The BAdI is /SAPSRM/BD_BID_DECOUP_MAP_SOA (Method MAP_BACKEND_TO_SOA). If you can't find the value in the XML, you can use this BAdI to maintain the logic to populate the custom field value into XML. And on SUS side, you can do that same mapping from XML to document using Method MAP_SOA_TO_BACKEND.

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

1. participate deadline

In this case first it is necessary to add the custom field in client 200 in the same way it was added in client 100. I assume it was added the way that is described in KBA 2473843. Then you need to create another Rfx and check, if the standard mapping populates the value during transfer.

2. valid to / valid from

These standard fields are part of the purchaser view. In the WebDynPro component /SAPSRM/WDC_DODC_RFQ_H_BD there are two main container, one for purchaser and one for bidder (HEADER_CONTAINER_PUR, HEADER_CONTAINER_BDR). You can check it in SE80. Before initializing the view, system checks the role of the user and then it only builds the corresponding view. So even if the field is set to be visible, if it is in the purchaser view, it won't be displayed for the bidder. So if you would like to display a field from purchaser view to the bidder user, it is necessary to add a custom field and populate it from the standard field via custom logic during document creation. Then it is necessary to extend the bidder view in the WebDynpro Component to display the field.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Daniel

Sorry for late response, was on vacation 🙂

1. Regarding participation deadline - field is created in both client 100 + 200, field is visible in both clients, editable in 100, not in 200. My issue is now that the value should be inherited from 100 to 200 - and this I do not know how to do...

2. Regarding validto/from dates, I will try to extend the bidder view as you has explained

BR Jane

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jane,

1. participate deadline

Is this a custom field? If yes, please display the Rfx in client 100 in BBP_PD and locate this field. Here the value should be populated. Then go to client 200 and do the same. Do you find the field and the value?

2. valid to / valid from

Are these custom or standard fields? Can you find them with value in BBP_PD in client 200?

Best regards,


0 Kudos

1. participate deadline

Yes, this is a custom field - ZZH_PARTICIPATE_DEADLINE and I find it with value in client 100 in BBP_PD, table BBP_PDHSC. In client 200, BBP_PD, there is no data in table BBP_PDHSC - so unfortunately no value for this field.

2. valid to / valid from

These are standard fields. I can find them with value in BBP_PD, table BBP_PDHGP in client 200


I've tried to insert into "Configure field control" with flag for "visible", but unfortunately it does not appear in the RFx for bidder in client 200

BR Jane

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jane,

I wouldn't advise to change the description of a field based on user role, because these texts are coming from OTR database, where the translations are also maintained. System reads these texts in a deep basis logic, where the application specific data is not yet available. Would you like to change only field End Date? I checked it internally and when I open an Rfx with bidder user, I see Submission Deadline. Could you please share a screenshot about what bidder sees?

As for hiding fields, you can do that by maintaining the field with empty field control in SPRO customizing:
SAP Implementation Guide -> SAP Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Field Control -> Configure Control for Fields on Header Level.

For example to hide field Opening Date, you need to maintain the following entry (flag Visible is not ticked):

This will set the field invisible for all users. If you would like to hide it only for certain users, you need to create the logic that determines whether the user is bidder or not and you need to set the flag Visible accordingly. You can use the standard dynamic method as an example (/SAPSRM/CL_PDO_DYN_MDF_HD_RFQ DATE_TIME_FIELDS - DATE_TIME_FIELDS). After you created the logic, you need to maintain the corresponding class and method in this customizing. In this case system will call this logic each time the Rfx is opened and it will determine if the field needs to be displayed or not.

For more information about Meta Data Framework, please refer to Wiki page

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Daniel

Thx for reply - yes it is only the "End Date" and "End time" in the RFx overview (not in the RFx - so description at the columns

For hiding fields, your solution seems not to be working, fields are still visible - see my screenshots as well

Bus. Object Type = BUS2202 as it is on the bidders view

BR Jane

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Jane,

Thank you for the screenshot. You can change the POWL column description in transaction /n/SAPSRM/POWL_CUST. Here highlight POWL Type SAPSRM_FEEDER_QTE_RFQ (if you are using standard one) and double-click Field Catalog in the left menu. Then you will see an entry for all columns and you can change the column description in column Header.

As for hiding the field, please use Bus.Object Type BUS2200. Even if the bidder displays the Rfx, the document type still remains Rfx. If you change it to BUS2200, system will hide the fields for all users. So to hide the field only for bidders, you need to create a dynamic method that performs the determination, if the user is bidder user or not and sets flag Visible accordingly. For example, you need a custom method that contains the following logic:

IF [user is bidder] <- the exact logic need to be created by the developer

cs_metadata-visible = abap_false. -> (hide the field for bidder user)


cs_metadata-visible = abap_true. -> (displays the field for non-bidder user)


Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Daniel

Thx for support - it works (I just had to swich client, that's why it didn't work the first time).

May I ask 2 more question?

1. participate deadline

Former consultants had created a new field "Participate deadline". It's visible/editable in RFx for purchaser (client 100) - That's it.

Then I've added the field in bidders view (client 200) in "Configure field control" + "/n/SAPSRM/POWL_CUST" - field is now visible (not editable as requested from business) in the RFx overview and in the RFx for the bidder - but it do not inherit the date which purchaser added in the RFx

What can be missing? why does the date not appear in the field for bidder?

2. valid to / valid from

In the RFx for purchaser (client 100) theres 2 fields for validity of the future contract - how can I add these 2 fields in the RFx for the bidder's view

BR Jane