When we create PR or PO (ME51N or ME21N) with doc. type = ZFO (frameorder) and item category = B (Limit) we have the option to select any UoM that we want. We would like it to be default "AU" for all users - just like it is for Service orders (i...
When we create PM order, go to tab Component and create item lines for external purchase, then supplier is copied from first line to all other lines (can of course be changed) - how can we avoid this copying function?
BR Jane
PM order - requirement date in tab component is always filled with todays date - how can I make this field empty, but mandatory?
BR Jane
In connection with implement of Bidding Engine, SRM - when a Bidder needs to logon to our SRM system via an external link, I have a question - hoping someone knows how to add/show the userID and name in the top of the frame in SRM?
BR Jane
We are using SRM7.0 - implementing Bidding Enigine.
In the process with creation of supplier based on a bidder (function: convert bidder to supplier) - does anyone know how to set default value for link to back-end system?
It is after Bidder has logged on to our SRM system we want that his userID and name to be shown.Internal we user Portal, but external users get an external link
Hi DanielSorry for late response, was on vacation 1. Regarding participation deadline - field is created in both client 100 + 200, field is visible in both clients, editable in 100, not in 200. My issue is now that the value should be inherited from...
1. participate deadlineYes, this is a custom field - ZZH_PARTICIPATE_DEADLINE and I find it with value in client 100 in BBP_PD, table BBP_PDHSC. In client 200, BBP_PD, there is no data in table BBP_PDHSC - so unfortunately no value for this field.2. ...
Hi DanielThx for support - it works (I just had to swich client, that's why it didn't work the first time).May I ask 2 more question?1. participate deadlineFormer consultants had created a new field "Participate deadline". It's visible/editable in RF...