In this document, I have tried to share some of the issues I have come across while loading images to the SRM MDM Catalog. This document is not an exhaustive list of issues and I will keep updating the document as and when I encounter newer issues and their solutions. I request the viewers to comment with their experiences with issues related & not covered in the topic.
1. Image in Table - Image not appearing in the catalogue
The image is saved in the MDM repository (Table: Image), but in the catalog, an ‘X’ appears in its place.
The reason for this could be that that the images were loaded in the Data Group with the language as non US. The difference between the images loaded in the data group with different languages can be seen below (notice different colors). So, add the images into the group with the language as US.
2. Image in the repository not appearing in the Catalog
It might be possible that the images stored in the repository table are visible (as above), while the hyperlink images are not rendered. The reason for the error is that field - Hyperlink is not added as a visible column in the catalogue in the Admin UI as shown below.
To fix the problem, login to the UI admin portal (replace ‘irj/portal’ in the SRM portal URL with ‘SRM-MDM/SRM_MDM’). Login to the repository with any userid. Once in, select the ‘User’ as the user from the SRM web service. Add the Hyperlink repository field and enter the height and width of the hyperlink.
Do the configurations for the ‘Item Details’ and ‘Cart Preview’ views and other views as required and Save the settings.
3. Image in the Hyperlink not appearing
a. To use a hyperlink for rendering the image, in the Hyperlink Table for an item ensure that the following settings is done:
Hyperlink type = Rendered AND MIME type = JPG/GIF then show hyperlink as photo/image on UI
Hyperlink type = Rendered AND MIME type is NOT = JPG/GIF then show hyperlink as link/url
Hyperlink type = Link AND whatever be the MIME type then show hyperlink as link/url
b. There could be a space in the image file path. In case the file name has a space, then the portal will throw an exception when you click on the item to view the item details. In the URL, we can replace the space with ‘%20’.
E.g.: file://
c. Repaste the file path of the hyperlink in the MDM Data Manager and ensure that the change has been saved. Sometimes this trick works!!
Further Read:
Loading Images to SRM MDM Catalog
SAP Note:
1675304 PDF Link visible in SRM is not working for end users
1077701 SRM-MDM Catalog - FAQ
1723534 - FAQ - SRM-MDM Catalog 3.0 and 7.01.