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wwi insert graphics

0 Kudos

Hi Expert,

i have almost 250 graphics file (picture.bmp) for different category. can any one help me out to maintain picture in WWI report.

i am trying insert this picture through WWI symbol .  see the below mention example.

When i am  generating the report template, the picture is not displaying my report.

How i can solve this issue?. Is there any way to insert this picture through wwi symbol.

your  assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Edward Stephen

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


just in short words:

  • copy the graphic files to the WWI installation sub-folder GRAPHICS.
  • enter the name of the files as graphic in phrases (CG12).
  • assign the phrases to the according characteristic in CG02.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos
  1. Hi..!

There are two ways to print any graphic.

  1. 1. To print a graphic assigned to a phrase (you can do it in CG12), you have to use "specification symbol" corresponding to that value assignment.

First Store the graphic files in the location “GRAPHICS” directory in your WWI Installation directory.

Go to CG12, assign the graphic to corresponding phrase.

Pls be sure that you enter only the file name with its extension not the file path.

Right – ghspictogram1.bmp

Wrong – C:\WWI\Graphics\ghspictogram1.bmp

  1. 2. Then follow the procedure defined by sunil to include the symbol in repeating group.

The other way is to use descriptor symbol to print the graphic.

  1. 1. Descriptor symbol is used to print graphic directly from phrase management.
  2. 2. That is you still keep the picture file in the “graphics” directory inside wwi installation directory.
  3. 3. Assign the graphic to the phrase in cg12 but this phrase won’t be assigned to any phrase set.
  4. 4. In report symbol tree, select this symbol, “EHS_L_GRAP” and select the picture you want to print.

The first way is to print graphics used in specification management

Second way is to print graphics used in phrase management. It can be used to print graphics like company Logo

And regarding the “Graphics” directory, the setting in WWI.INI would be like this,




In any case the graphic files you store should correspond to the location as mentioned in the WWI.INI…!

Regarding the syntax you provided here, it will pick the graphic file assigned to symbol "

G1023044Y" for the valu. asst. "SAP_EHS_1023_044" one by one upto 5, and print it in each coloum. [(G;1)(G;2)(G;3)(G;4)(G;5)]. As our C.B has told, since the blank compression is not used here, if you don't have any graphic for, say 4th phrase, tat column will be blank and still present. Using Blank compression you can remove that.

Thanks & Regards

Subash Sankar

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Subash

there are two additional rarely used options. You can assign a graphic to an identifier (and therefore you should be able to "print" that in WWI (never tried it but should work); and you can assign a graphic by using SAP DMS etc. via a "Userdefined text type".

The use of a phrase is the most common used option


Former Member
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Hi C.B !

Thanks for your valuable information...! I will try these methods also..

Thanks & Regards

Subash Sankar S.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Christoph,

This may not be the appropriate place to raise this, but can you elaborate a bit more how you assign a graphic to an identifier? And how it then can be used on the WWI template.
This indeed could be an interesting alternative.

Thank you and best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Subash

to use graphics on identfier level and / por on user defined text level you need to prepare first some customizing. Starting from EnhPAck 3 you can direct upload data (ge.g. graphic etc.) from local client into user defined text; regarding identifier I am not sure how to populate the "graphic" as there was never the need to prepare corresponding customizing ( i know only you can do it)


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Roger

as mentioned: i haven't had the chance in the past to use the identifier" option to deal with such a type of demand. But you can assign a "document" (e.g.graphic) to an identifier and therefore you should be able to "print" it using WWI procedures.

May be check:

Here you can clearly see, that ESTRI contains option to have a reference to a DMS key (e.g. BMP file. jpg file etc.)

Hope this helps


0 Kudos

Dear Edward

Please try to insert WWI code again as mentioned below, and also check points mentioned  by Christoph and Christian.

Follow the below mention procedure to insert Graphic symbol

Step 1) Insert symbol for characteristic “GHS Labeling Symbol”

The Example is based on the property tree “STANDARD”.

If this is not the case change the property tree using the pushbutton Change Symbol Tree.

Navigate by Report Symbols --> Specification Symbols --> Regulation--> Labeling --> International--> GHS Labeling to the symbol “G1023044SY Symbol” and place your cursor on this symbol.

Insert symbol for characteristic.”GHS Labeling Symbol”

When you place your cursor on a symbol in the symbol tree, the information connected with this symbol is displayed on the tab page “Symbol” which you find in the detailed structure area on your WWI screen.


Check the proposed values. Choose “GPC” and “Graphic” for the expansion mode

Report Symbol : 01, G1023044SY

Mult. Value Asst : 1

Separator for Mult. Val: ;

Message for Mandant. Sym. : Leave Blank

Expansion Mode :GPC+ Graphics

Size: Automatic

Insert the symbol in your template with the pushbutton Insert WWI Object in Template

On your template the following symbol appears


Step 2) Insert  repeating Group

Navigate to the structure where the error was found with double click on the error message on the tab page “Messages” or with the pushbutton Go To. In this case, the complete symbol structure G1023001SY will be highlighted.

Choose the tab page “Repeating Group” (abbreviated in the dialogue screen as “Rep. Group”). Check the parameters which are listed in the below

Rep. Group Type : Master Group

Mult. Val. Asst : All (;*)

Value Assgmt Type :SAP_EHS_1023_044

User Exit : Leave blank

User-exit-params :Leave Blank

The value assignment type on the tab page “Rep. Group” will be updated.

Insert the repeating group in your template with the pushbutton Insert WWI Object in Template.

The complete paragraph should look like this:

<11BRG005(M,SAP_EHS_1023_044;*)><01G1023044SY(G;1)[SZ:A;D:Symbol]> <11ERG005>

Note: please do master data match up in CGCZ if you didn’t do after coping graphic file.


Sunil Jawalkar

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Edward

1:) I assume you maintained the data correct (in CG02)?

2.) I assume you have prepare a suitable generation variant and template

These are the questions:

a.) did you used "Report from template"?

b.) or did you create a report and tried to check it in CG50?

In any case: we have two types if graphics. Static onces, and dynamic ones. In your example it seems to be that you try to populate GHS symbols in a WWI layout. This can be done using the "phrase" and the "graphic" position of the phrase. If this is the correct understanding then these are the "toDos":

a,) per phrase and language position you need to add the file name of the graphic in the corresponing field

b.) you need to store this file graphic on any !!! generation server in the folder of WWI (in most cases "graphics"

c.) you need to store these files on any local client to be able to generate "report from template". and to check your "layout"

The topic of "graphic" has been discussed in some different threads as well (but not often)

You try to insert you result per "record. First column should populate the "first symbol, second column the second symbol etc.

You are not using "blank compression". Therefore if there are less then 5 symbols present the column will be empty

But code seems to be correct

May be chapter:

Subchapter: Graphic Size

could be of interest