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SD_CALL to be retriggered for Shipping orders with Status Historic

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We have a lot of Report shipping orders in CVD1 with status Historic for SD_CALL. From System the SDS was sent and status was completed and moved to historic. But we got to know the printer server was down and hence the spool didn't get generated. Now the customer wants us to re trigger all the SDS again. We have 300 Report shipping orders to be re triggered. Kindly let us know if anyone had faced similar issue and resolution. If not then what is the possible workaround for this issue. Thanks.


Comm Type: LET

Status: Historic



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Hello Rohan

there is no real "best Practise" written down to be identified using "Google" or other options to search

The "Best Practise" approach depends on to many "variables". Let us differentiate the "print" and the "email" part (as a kind of small help).

If SDS/MSDS is dispatched via email: depending on set up of your SAP system: you can find the corresponding eMail using SAP transaction SOST and using "clever" search algorithm. In most cases this does work may be 2 months etc. (depends on your SAP set up !). So you can use "SOST" to "resent" SDS/MSDS to the customer.

The same is true for the "Let" part. The data is "stored" in SAP system. Depending on SAP set up: only after some days the "Spool" data is deleted. As long as the "Spool data" exists: you can "reprint"

For "Spool": you have a "on top complexity". The word "Spool" is here important ! In most cases after the "spool" you have a "printer server farm". So as long as you have the "Spool" number and by getting in touch with SAP basis people and "print server people": you can try to print once again. According to your "Best Practise": this approach can really help.

So you do not start "CVD1" but you use other options to "resent". In CVD1 the "request" will still stay in status "Historic" which is "good enough" for any subsequent SAP follow up process


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Thanks Christoph. Urfortunately the spool were deleted so we couldn't access them. As a backup we triggered separate report shipping for those historic Orders through MAN_CALL by creating a small BDC program.



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your situation "is normal business". The SAP process worked well but for the print part: something was "wrong" and the SDS etc. was never printed. There are Best practise available to handle this situation properly as it happen "often".

Keep in mind: a "similar" situation can happen for "INT". So in CVD1 anything is fine: but the email was never dispatched to the customer. This is as well "daily business"


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Hello Christoph,

Yes this situation can keep reoccurring due to unforeseen business circumstances.

Would you be kind to help me with Best practise available or if can let me know where can I find them. Thanks.



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Hi Rohan ,

I didn't understand the logic between printer was was down and report went to Historical.

I'm not sure if there any specific scenario for SD_CALL spool cannot genarate the SDS and report will give you historical SDS.May be this is customer specific. Cause when the SD_CALL report sent to the customer electronically via PDF form.

Could you explain specific scenario how the SDS moved to Historical status will help to understand the issue.



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Hello Satya,

The entire Report shipping process went as expected. Spool was generated too. But at the business end the printer was down. The Spool was deleted after specific period of time. Later, after printer is up and running we do not have spool and report shipping has moved to status historical as it was completed couple of weeks back. Now we need to generate the SDS for these 300+ orders.

So do we have any alternative to re trigger these many shipping orders again. Kindly let me know. Thanks.

