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Possibility of Adding Product Name in Final SDS Report

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We want possibility of adding a new parameter based on which we can determine the Product Name for a particular Material assigned to a specification.

We want to have a logic based on which the product name for a material (to be displayed on the SDS) is determined :

  1. Customer Material Info Record
  1. Else, Sales Text of the Material
  2. Else, Material Description

We do not use the report Shipping functionality.

We were thinking of adding a new parameter for the user to enter during the final report generation in the 'Report Management' and 'Report information System' Screen so that he can select the right product name from the Identifiers in form of a drop down list.

  1. Can anyone help on how we can add this parameter in the above screen?
  2. How this parameter would be made available in as a report Symbol?

Thank you in Advance for your inputs and suggestions.

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Dear Gaurish

if this is true: "The business users have agreed to maintain the Correct name in NAM,PROD identifier and so that it then pulls it on the SDS." you can not fulfill the demand...

Let us start once again from top to down:

1:) if you create a WWI report you can add reports symbols

2.) we have specification related symbols, material related symbols, and other symbols

3.) For all of the symbols you must assign an "application". For specification symbols. this is "SUBMASTER", for material ones MATMASTER"

But there is no "application" yet existing for "your symbol" which you have in mind

It is not good idea to combine a "parameter" symbol with a "sepcification" symbol. This is your approach

But first you should understand the importance of this "application" object. based on the "application" you can change the "view" in CG54/Cg50.

MOst common is "MATMASTER" and "SUBNASTER". But this does not help. A "NAM PROD" does have no ! refeence to any material number nor customer number. Therefore. You can not suceed

So sorry. If you are not able (or willing) to setup report distribution process: you will not get sucess. Only by using this approach the is a chance to get what you would like to get (and then only via transaction CVD1)


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Hi CB,

Thanks for your feedback and I understand your concerns- for the Labels and the SD delivery Note we have a defined material name based on the MATNR and the Customer Number - this will be:

  1. Customer Material Info Record
  1. Else, Sales Text of the Material
  2. Else, Material Description

This is because the client sells same Material to different customers with different names. we are able to make this change in labeling process and SD delivery as we have access to the customer Number; BUT Since we don't have report Shipping, its difficult for us to get the customer name. The business users have agreed to maintain the Correct name in NAM,PROD identifier and so that it then pulls it on the SDS.

I have created a new Parameter Symbol with Expansion Time 20 and added it to the SDS template as below:

we intend to code the FM in the expansion Value to get the PRDO Names.

But It dosent appear in the Report Management screen where I can enter the Parameter:

How do I add new Options to this pop-up ?

@C.B- I did try to change the view of the CG50 in the Utilities option and in the Material Master view I only get the MATNR and Specification as the option (Screenshot 4)

In the default key, I could find some more options:I want to add the new Symbol created above to this so that we can write an FM to display all the identifiers (of type NAM, PROD) assigned to the specification and users can manually select the PROD Name on the SDS.



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Dear Gaurish

quite interesting logic you are trying.

"This is because the client sells same Material to different customers with different names. we are able to make this change in labeling process and SD delivery as we have access to the customer Number; BUT Since we don't have report Shipping, its difficult for us to get the customer name. The business users have agreed to maintain the Correct name in NAM,PROD identifier and so that it then pulls it on the SDS."

=> honestly: this approach is the "wrong" way to do it. You will have many "NAM PROD" names (per customerr one name); you will have no chance to select the "right" one; as none of the names (NAM, PROD) do have any reference to a customer number; Therefore: in my opinion you will fail.

This is my understanding now:

As you might know. We have two types of "data". Data which is part of the "raw" report and data which is part or of the final" report; BUt there is as well an option to have something "between" (that means the data is present in raw report; but you have some influence in final report generation to "change" the data).

In any case story might be as:

Using some "report symbols" you can make sure that all data is part of "raw report", Then using some "final report" related report symbols you can "change" and therefore the "wished" data is shown.

In your case (as an example):

You will maintain many "NAM PROD". all of the NAM prod are part of the "Raw report", now using some data (e.g. customer number) you can "refine" the content and only print "one" name. BUt this is not possible with identifier. An identfier can have only a "usage" or a "regulatory list" assigned

Potentially you might try this approach

You select a "property" in property tree (or create a new one)

You prepare a "class" based property with one characteristic; the characteristic will store the customer number

Then you prepare (if needed) a new "user defined text"; here you will maintain the material name

Now you have a "link" of name to customer. BUt still you have the same issue as with "NAM PROD". TO many data in the raw report. (any user defined text must be part of raw report!)

Now you go on like this:

Per customer you prepare a "VAT" data record per REAL_SUB. The characteristic will contain only the "customer number". The user defined text in the VAT (may be language independent) will containt material name per customer

Then you prepare "normal" WWI layout. IN this layout you collect any user defined text; but there is one important topic: you need. You need "somehow" the customer number in the layout (may be as "hidden information"; for this part you need a "final report symbol")

Using now CG54:I am not sure what is the "best" approach but you need some "basic" customizing for report shipping.

You will use Report tree; you will use material number. Then you create an "internal report shipment" via eMail using the"customer number". Now the system knows. Which customer number you "look at" and therefore can reduce the data from raw report and therefore you should get the "right" material number. But the whole story is only manual and therefore "not compliant" (sorry to say) as per "delviery" you must act here; according to my experience. you can forget this approach. None of the communities which i know in EHS could handle this (as the EHS community need to know the point in time there a "SDS" is needed( for which country, in which langauge etc.) I am not sure if you "just" select the WWI report if the system will ask for additional number (the customer number) so that you can porint the "wished" material number

;My clear proposal is. to "activate" report shipping; there will be no user interaction any more (if you do proper set up) you will be compliant etc.; you (or the comapny) will save lot of momey (no ! humen being is needed for report distribution)


PS: We sitll not discussed "cover sheet" Best practise is. If you are sending a SDS you add a cover sheet. IN Cover Sheet in most cases you add as well "material name". This you will not get as well using your approach

PPS: the "material view" " Substance view" and any other view in CG50/CG50 is related to the so called "application". The application is part of generation variant

This is the story. Yes you can generate "new" applications (and yes this has impact on CG54/CG50); but you must maintain the generation variant properly (add the "application"); we have used this approach only once; and i am not really happy with the result and would not try again to use this approach.

But for your information:

1.) in most cases you use "MATMASTER" and "SUBMASTER" as application. The first is related to any final report symbol on level "material"; the second is used for any "raw report" symbols

2.) For GLM purposes you need as well an application added to generation variant

The same true for all of the other "interfaces". (EHS to MM etc.). SAP does not deliver a scenario (which you mght call "CUSTOMER) and i still have doubts of the value.

The most "critical" issue in your demand is. for any !!! SDS print there might be the need to enter the "customer number"

to retrieve the name, If you do not enter the customer number you will only "mat description". (or may be sales text etc.) But you have no chance to get "Customer info record stored mat name" data

But the SAP SD <=> SAP EHS design is as (if you have prepare report shipment well):

SAP SD shares data with EHS. One important data is the "customer number" (either ship to or sold to). This data is used to identify the "right" report to use in SDS shipment. IN this "overall" process as well the material name is selected (normally if you do not use NAM PROD). in SAP SD / SAP EHS interface you can "hand over" the material name (cstomer info record) or other data: you must enlarge the interface (in my opinion) but it is possible

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Dear C.B,

Thanks for the detailed information; I will go through the possibility of activating Report Shipping and update the forum.



Active Contributor
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Dear Gaurish

after rereading´your demand as:

  1. Customer Material Info Record
  1. Else, Sales Text of the Material
  2. Else, Material Description

We do not use the report Shipping functionality.

Some additional feedback

1.) to get data using "Customer Material Info Record" you need to enter in Cg54/Cg50 two parameters (according to my knowledge of SAP SD)

a.) one material number (which you need not to enter if you are in "material view" in comparisaon to "specificaiton view")

b.) a customer number.

In most cases: person acting does have "lack" of knowledge in SAP SD. But there is normally no "search" machnism availble: so you need to programm your self

2.) For "sales text of material". you need material number and additional informaiotn

3.) only for "material descxription" you would need only "material number"§

From my poitn of view. you shoult stop your approach. Any time the user trying to use CG54/Cg50 you must enter again and again the requested data to get SDS shown properly. Not a good idea. On top: if you use "GLM": this would be a "disaster" as you need to enter the same "parameters" in GLM process to get thr same "name" on label. And this is a "legal must". This would be an additional issue (how to make sure that name on SDS and on Label is the same)

On top: hwo do you handle "delivery note" in SAP SD process? Which "material name" do you print there?

For customer communication (e.g. within REACH as an example) you approach is a nightmare and you should "change your mimd" and use "report shipment". Here you have a "perfect" interface SAP SD to SAP EHS; you have (by clever use of EHS) no human being to enter data in the process etc.

Keep in mind: for external communicaiton either material number or "material text" (whatever kind of text you select) is the crucial sucessfactor


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Dear Gaurish

some add on:

In context of "We were thinking of adding a new parameter for the user to enter during the final report generation in the 'Report Management' and 'Report information System' Screen so that he can select the right product name from the Identifiers in form of a drop down list."

a.) in CG54 or CG50 you have the topion to "switch" the "application". E.g. you can use "material masrer data" or "Specification view"!

b.) You topic is currently related to an "ad hoc final report generation" and this does not have any value. You need a process for "Report distrbution"

c.) you can not add "field" in the screen. This would be a "modification". but if you have prepared a "parameter symbol" you will get a "popup" and then you can enter the data (or sewlect or...) But this is of "no value" as you can not use the same approach in "reporet distribution"

d.) normally you do not use" identifiers" to select (this is as well "useless"). Identifiers are "always" part of "raw report" (with some exemptions)

e.) may be you know? you can add "own developed" applications (thsi is the term as ussed in CG54; not a "good term"). But if you would like to use approach this approach you need to change generation variant as well; nether tried it by my own


PS: make sure that your "really" understand the "normal" use of CG54/CG50

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Dear Gaurish

based on you requirement: you must (should) start "different" First

You have to differentiate the different "report shipment "processes. The main processes are:



If we ignore for a "second" MAN_CALL and "EXP_CALL" you have to start" different. First you must enlarge the SAP SD / SAP EHS interface for report shipment so that the required data from SAP SD process can be handed over to SAP EHS. Then you need to change WWI layuut and prepare a new parameter symbol of type "20" which can use the data from SAP EHS and process this data to show a "product name"

On the top you should decide: is this a "general" process or e.g. only valid for "EU" but not for US" (as you would need different WWI layouts etc.)

Depending on the fact: is there sitll a report shipment actrive yes/no: you need to define your blueprint (as you can not support "historic report shipment processes"

For MAN_CALL: here it depends on your "demand". You can prepare the new report symbol in such a way that the user can enter: either "Customer Material Info record data" or "Sales text" or.. But this is then training (and from my point of view: to complex. just use here "material descritpion" only)

for EXP_CALL:: it is not a good idea to have "flexibility" here. Here you should only use "Material DescriptioN" (any other demand would be complex)


PS: you will ffind some thredas here discussing "Paramater symbol" topics. I can remember one blog on top. In any caase. Check on top Marketplace, I believe there is a "note" for parameter symbols (bot 100% sure)

Propolal: Check frist SAPO original symbol. Then do a "copy" and add your logic

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Thanks for your feedback; please check my comments below- any pointers on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.



Active Participant
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Hi Gaurish,

The Parameter report symbols are with the expansion type 20, that means they are expanded in the MSDS report only during the Report Shipping Stage. During Report Management and while viewing reports in Report Information System, they needed to be manually added whenever a pop up is shown.

it will be challenging to pull the description from the CMIR, as during the Report Management / Report Information system report view we do not have input field for entering the customers unless it used for report shipment. Similarly Sales Text would be difficult to retrieve without actually NAST entries. Material description is feasible from Material master but Material number needs to be input manually during the report information system.

When you define the parameter symbols in the WWI template, system will automatically shows you that during the Report Management / Information System. If you are not seeing them means the symbols is suppressed while viewing the report. Log out of the transaction and again check the report in CG50 / CG54.

Thanks and Regards


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Hi Jaya,

Thanks for your feedback; please check my comments below- any pointers on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.

