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Product and Topic Expert

SAP Commercial Project management is a Project Management solution provided by SAP which addresses a company’s core business process requirements in ECO (Engineering Construction & Operations) industry to manage their projects and handle their large financial and non-financial data. CPM handles multiple processes in an end-to-end scenario spanning the selling, planning, execution, monitoring, and controlling of projects. 

Periodic reviews and the transparency of the project status are important aspects of project management. This function allows users such as project managers and key stakeholders to record and share the status of a commercial project during its lifecycle. 

With this new feature, you would be able to configure multiple 'Report Templates' with different parameters and templates (Forms) as per your business requirement. The feature mentioned is part of S/4 HANA 2023 FPS01. 

Status and Trends parameter selection Pop-up 

A new dropdown is introduced in Select Parameters pop-up to select the relevant report templates. On selection of the report template, the parameters will appear according to the configuration in the implementing class. 

As part of standard, two default Template IDs 0001 - Standard Header Status Report Template and 0002 - Standard Team Status Report Template are delivered. 

Report Template Selection

The default templates will be chosen from customizing maintained in the following customizing path: 

Commercial Project Management  Master Data Commercial Project Make Settings for Commercial Projects → Define Commercial Project Types. 


Standard Template Configuration

New customizing node ‘Define Report Template’ is added under the IMG node 'Define Settings for Status Management'. Here, Template Id, Name of the implementing class and Description can be configured. 


For any new Status Report Form, interface '/CPD/IF_PWS_STATUS_PDF' needs to be implemented and mapped to the template in aforementioned customizing. The interface has two methods defined inside it.

Required Interface

The first method 'GENERATE_PDF' is responsible for fetching default Implementation example as heading template (Form) defined is customizing. Here any other template selection logic could be implemented, and form generation will take place accordingly. 

Default Report Template

The second method 'GET_PARAMETER_LIST' is responsible for parameter selection. All the new or custom parameters could be added or removed from here. Parameter Customizing will be based on the Form's import parameters. All the parameters which will be shown in the pop-up has to be optional as user may select or deselect them before generating the report. Please note that the parameters should be available in the form template also. 


Parameter Customization

Parameter link to the screen


This blog concisely talks about the flexibility with the parameter selection offered with this new feature which would allow the customers to configure status and trends report templates according to their business requirement. 

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