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This blog contains the following objects:

[1] Introduction

[2] Body

[3] Conclusion

[1] Introduction

This blog contains in-depth knowledge of Covid19 scenario mapping.

Everyone is having anxiety towards job safety as lockdown  And the Companies are confused to follow which guideline and how to make the workplace ready to handle Covid19 cases.

In the below scenario I am going to tell how SAP EHS can help all organizations to map their EHS solution with CDC /WHO guidelines.

With help and support from mzahid0071, I was able to build a scenario in 1909, and below are the observations we would like to share:

Please note: This scenario can be used by the below client

  • Who already have EHS implemented and just need to trim their existing solution to Covid19 Solution

  • As this solution is a Covid19 Add-on, All three can be used independently but will give high effectiveness if used with Integrated.

  • If Client is not on S/4Hana and still on ECC ( 6.0 and EHP8 ) still they can use OH and RA integration and align the below solution with Covid19

  • Below scenario is built on S/4Hana 1909

[2] Body

CDC Guidelines Sample -








  • IDENTIFY RISK: Click on the tile Identify Risk

  • SELECT LOCATION - Location is the Part of Master Data and needs to create under  - Manage Location Tile, In this example, we are going to use Location - South

  • To create Risk based on location Click on " + " Button; To create Risk based on Job Click on three dots "..." on the top right corner

  • The below Jobs which are displayed are the part of Master Data and need to create in " Manage Job Tile"; In this example - Sales job is used -

  • Add the job step by entering the job description in “Enter new Job Step"Click "+ " to add more steps.

  • Select each job steps and add the “Hazards or Agent” and Operation Status- As "Emergency"

  • Hazards list is coming from SPRO - EHS - H&S - Configure Hazards and control where you define your hazard is airborne.

  • Airborne Agent list is coming from Agent Assignment (Airborne - hazards are defined in SPRO) and Create the Agent in Tile " AGENT"

  • Select COVID 19 Airborne Agent - And Select Operational Status and Click on SAVE

Risk is Identified;

  • Now add Risk Level, Controls, and Impact.

  • As per the process - we are first using the exiting controls whatever we have ( E.g. Gloves )

  • Risk is identified and Controls are also added.

  • The next step is to Assign this Risk to one Risk Project.

  • Click on Location field and select your location (Eg- South)

  • Identified Risk based on the Location will be displayed

  • You can Also Create a new Risk Assessment Project

  • Click on Save and you can see your newly created Risk Assessment Project under Assign Risk to Assessment Project tile.

  • For Job-based Risk Assessment - Create a Project with Assessment type " Job"

  • Select your risk and click on Ok

Next Step is to open the Assessment and perform the Assessment Steps from - "My Assessment" tile

Note - Here we are doing Assessment with the help of Health Surveillance protocol - to use this, pre-requisite is to create a Health Surveillance protocol from tile " Manage Criteria"

Click on Manage Criteria Tile and  Add the health surveillance protocol which you have created in Occupational Health.

  • Add the Risk Level at which you want to trigger the HSP automatically and Exposure rating

  • Our HSP is ready to use as a New Control in the Assessment Steps  - Now let's get back to Assessment Tile

  • Select your Assessment Project

  • Click on Risk Tab:

  • Select the Job Step - and Click on Existing Controls:

  • Click on Determine Initial Risk and perform risk on Severity and Likelihood matrix

Click on Define New Controls after analyzing. Click on Health Surveillance Protocol and click on Recommended Automatically

Based on the Agent and the Risk level identified, System will select the protocol automatically.

Please note: HSP is selected automatically after the Initial Risk is analyzed.

Health Surveillance Protocol is an Integration part between Risk Assessment and Occupational Health, this means we are triggering the HSP we created in Occupational health and using in Risk Assessment as a control measure to reduce the Identified Risk.


  • In Occupational Health we have already created this HSP ( COVID -19 )

  • Click on the tile - Planning Cockpit:

  • Click on Planning Cockpit and Assign the recommended HSP to the Employee

  • Checkmark the Person and click on " Health Surv. Protocol " button

  • Select the person and select the Assigned Protocol to open the medical service, Click on Medical Service button

  • With the medical service, the Questionnaire is also created for an employee:

  • You can print the invitation of created Medical service and send to the employee to have a Check-up along with the Questionnaire

  • Now, Once this Medical Service is created, navigate to Medical Service tile and do the diagnosis

  • Enter the employee number and update the medical service

  • After the HSP is performed, let’s get back to our Risk assessment, where we use HSP as new control and perform the Residual Risk

  • As the new control is implemented you can see the residual risk is now low and in acceptable limit


  • For Confirmed Case of Covid19 - Report the Incident

  • Navigate to People Tab

  • Update the injury/illness log

  • Follow the CDC/ WHO guidelines for “What to do in case of suspect Covid19 case.


[3] Conclusion


I hope the above information gives a better understanding of how we can use SAP EHSM RA / OH / IM to handle Covid19 scenarios.


Kindly let me know our thoughts and feedback on the comment sections



0 Kudos
Hello michael.censurato

Can you share your feedback and thoughts on this post?





0 Kudos
It might be best to have a phone call next week and review. Most of the steps look fine, there may be some additional ideas we can give you. Also, it would be good to show these steps in a powerpoint file.
0 Kudos
Hi Idrees / Zayed,

Nice effort. Couple of points

- Holt Architects conducted Fluid dynamic study and found that when a person coughs it does not reach ventilation system and can infect people away from 6 feet as well.

- Few retrospective studies in USA and China confirmed that there is a significant correlation between PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, and O3 has on confirmed cases and Sulfur dioxide has negative correlation. So you might include workplace sampling as well to classify work places for risk levels based on air quality and ventilation capability in item 1.

- The Dose - response pattern of the COVID -19 virus particles still not fully completed, however probability of infection is mentioned in literature. You need to understand the risk matrix based on such literature.

-Besides the controls you have mentioned, UV scanners can also be one of the approach for risk reduction, however for that also dose response is not clear.

Again, Nice effort, but risk assessment for Covid -19 needs combination of workplace sampling, JHA, Exposure assessment along with integration with Work Clearance Management as well as. Occupational Health can be standard out of the box. Incident Management depends on company as there is no legal document which states it needs to be logged for regulatory reporting. Whether you record as near miss, safety observation when not following precautions or incident which is not required by OSHA needs to be managed with exclusion for regulatory reporting.


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