Dear Readers,
The Inspiration to write this blog is based on my personal experience and typical business needs ( Specifically EC&O and Project Based Industry ) where Business have Project Specific Estimated Cost Rate
Business Requirement :
Business have Project Specific Estimate Cost Rate for Human/Labour/Equipment Resource Type (Activity Type)
SAP CPM Financial Planning does not support Project Specific Rate by using Different Cost Center ( project specific ) and Activity type as it is fetching Cost Center from CPM Organization Profile.
Its really frustrating behavior of system, as Standard PS Easy Cost Planning and Unit Cost Methods has this capability where we can use Different combination of Cost Center/Activity Type.
Solution :
For Bridging this gap, we have figured out below small enhancement and related configuration where Cost Center will be fetched from associated / mapped PS Project.
Lets get into it.
Sample Code >>
- Resource Type for Activity Type
- Selected RescTypeID is custom one which will fetch rate based on above logic.
- Make Settings for Valuation Method
- Custom Implementation class assignment to custom valuation method
- Make Settings for Valuation Strategies
- Assignment of Custom Valuation method to custom valuation strategy
* Key figure mapping with custom Valuation method id
- Plan Scenario
- Assignment of Custom Valuation Strategy to planning function under custom resource type id
Demo :
- Cost Center/Activity Type Rates
- CPM Workbook with Standard Activity Resource Type
- Rate is based on Organization Profile Cost Center Combination
- CPM Workbook with Custom Activity Resource Type
- Rate is based on PS Project Cost Center Combination
Summary :
By performing the above steps, we were able to fetch different cost rate of Activity Resource Type based on Project Specific Cost Center.
I would like to thank my colleague Mr. Vedprasanna Nayak and Mr. Rajagopal S for their contribution.
Please, let me know if anyone have doubt or I missed something.
Your suggestions are most welcome.
Akash Khandelwal