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Provider Contract distribution to CC - SOAP error

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Dear Experts

We've recently upgraded our S4H and CC systems 2023 and sicne then we are struggling to identify the cause of the below issue.

When a subscription order/contract is created in SOM, It is successfully distributed to FICA provider contract but getting failed to distribute to CC. When checking in the fulfilment status, the ODI step " Subscription Contract activation" is in waiting status.


When check the Monitor provider contract replication, I see following issue.


I've checked the webservice configurations for "CO_ISX_CC_CTR_PROV_SERVICES" and it is properly configured.

I wonder what and where is this issue is cominf from.

Please advide and share your suggesions.


Thanks in advance




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Hi Anil,

We're not really aware of this particular issue, but it strongly seems to be related with the authentication information sent by S/4 to CC.
We can't be sure yet, but it might be that S/4 no longer sends all the security SOAP headers required by CC.

To verify that, can you please refer to the log file of the CC updater?
CC has many log messages for this kind of issues, and reports them with the "WARNING" level (so, directly in the LOG file, not in the TRC file).
So, first, can you please make sure you enable at least the WARNING level in the CC updater, reproduce the issue, and see if you find anything relevant then?

If this is not enough, we suggest to enable the WS tracing domain, and the DEBUG severity (for the CC updater, again).
Then, you'll find additional details, in the updater's TRC file.

To make sure you don't publish any sensitive info here, it's probably best to submit the resulting logs/traces in a customer ticket, but feel free to let us know if we can help further.

Best regards.

SAP Convergent Charging Support