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I'm glad to add this document from Jochem Schueltke to It was released in SCN and is still valid, but not refer to BRIM. I have updated some links and did some minor changes. I split the document in parts.

SAP Collections and Disbursements - Overview of FS-CD Master Data

© SAP AG 2014, Jochem Schueltke

Payment Plan assigned to an InsuranceObject-BusinessPartner-Relationship

SAP Collections and Disbursement facilitates functions to convert a total amount, which is valid for a specific period (e.g. premium receivable for a year), into partitioned payment plan items that are finally transformed into posted FS-CD Documents. Rules and options for scheduling and distributing the initial amount are controlled by a Payment Plan. It belongs to the Master Data of an  InsuranceObject-BusinessPartner-Relationship.

As an additional option a Payment Plan can be used to create equal repetitive payment plan items, which are based on a specific Payment Plan Item as a ‘template’ and will recur per defined period repetitively (e.g. monthly, quarterly, or semiannually); means reproduced periodically with updated dates. Moreover you can also specify a deferral agreement to shift the due dates,which are provided by the feeder system for the original receivables or payables, according to an individually configured scheme that recurs each period.

These FS-CD capabilities can be used from any feeder system. For example a policy administration system calculates only yearly premium receivables, but customers (policy holders) ask for monthly, quarterly, or semiannually payment frequency. Or a claim system delivers just yearly annuity payables, but the outgoing payments should be distributed monthly, or quarterly.

A Payment Plan holds several control parameters. One of the basic characteristic is the Payment Plan Key, which determines

  • how amounts set by payment plan items for an insurance relationship are distributed,

  • how changes to payment plan items are to be processed,

  • whether charges are to be posted, and

  • which additional activities are to be executed when posting or changing payment plan items.

A second control parameter is the Payment Option. It represents a set of Payment Plan Keys that can consist of just one Payment Plan Key, or of multiple different Keys in parallel. Thus, a Payment Option specifies, which Payment Plan Keys are permitted overall and can be switched from one to another. Furthermore it determines one or several activities that are triggered, when the Payment Plan Key is changed.

It’s not mandatory to make use of the FS-CD Payment Plan features and functions, but a valuable option. If this option is used, the control parameters of an InsuranceObject-BusinessPartner-Relationship specific Payment Plan are applied to all relevant Payment Plan Items. Thus, each Payment Plan Items that belong to this InsuranceObject-BusinessPartner-Relationship is subject to the rules of a particular Payment Plan, which are mainly steered by the Payment Plan Key and the Payment Option mentioned above.

In this regard SAP provides a central data structure named ‘SVVSCPOS_B (Direct Input Structure of Payment Plans and Payment Plan Items)’ that contains all Data on level of a Payment Plan and on level of a Payment Plan Item. Thus, it’s a combined structure that includes all Payment Plan attributes as well as all Payment Plan Item attributes. This structure corresponds to the RFC Function Module named ‘ISCD_SCPOS_MAINTAIN’ to create and maintain Contract Accounts with their Relationships to Business Partners from any external system or software application. Please see also the Payment Plan and Payment Plan Item Interface for Direct Input, which provides you with an overview.

Overview of important Control Parameters within FS-CD Master Data

Business Partner: Parameters and Attributes, SAP

CA and CAR: Parameters and Attributes, SAP

IO and IR: Parameters and Attributes, SAP

Parameters and Attributes - Summary, SAP



More information about FS-CD:

Please check also the Q&A section for FS-CD.