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Hello Experts!

This time we had the opportunity to implement a S/4HANA 2020 using the new NFe Cloud Outbound (SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, outbound invoicing option for Brazil is the official name)

In this post we are going to talk about the experience and mostly compare the NFe Cloud with the previous solution called SAP GRC (SAP NFE is the official name)


What is NFe Cloud?

It is one of the services of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Its goal is to send the legal messages from ERP to the government and manage its responses.


Architecture - Comparison SAP GRC vs SAP NFe Cloud Outbound

A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it?


SAP NFe Cloud

In a more technical explanation, all communication between ERP and NFe Cloud uses asynchronous API REST. The legal document is sent on the numbering moment (manual or via CALLRFC job) and the return happens when ERP asks via job.



If you need any help, stucked nota fiscal for example, send a standard ticket to SAP via SAP Launchpad.

Support and SLA are agreed in contract with SAP.



The billing is made using the number of notas fiscais generated and sent to the government.


How to configure?

Start by the necessary SAP Notes for the correct operation of your SAP version:

2671909 – Required SAP Notes for SAP Document and Reporting Compliance outbound nota fiscal (as of T...

3039241 – Required SAP Notes for SAP Document Compliance outbound nota fiscal (up to Technical Note ...


The instructions on Help SAP should be the first step into any implementation strategy.

SAP HELP Instructions

In summary, SAP help tell us to follow these steps:

  1. NFe Cloud Configuration on SAP BTP

  2. All Necessary Configuration on SAP ERP / S/4HANA side

  3. Jobs to be scheduled on ERP side

It is possible, to migrate the business places partially, in phases. the configurarion for NFe can direct some of them to NFe Cloud and others to the old legal messaging service.


Tips and Tricks

  • The RFC Connection must be called EXACTLY ‘NFEACCESSTOKEN’

  • In order to avoid issues, upload all levels of the certificate on STRUST, options SSL Client (Standard) e na SSL Client (Anonymous)

  • Create OAuth 2.0 Client Profile using a transportable package

  • The configuration made on transaction OA2C_CONFIG is client-dependent.

  • After the configurations, test using the transaction NFE_MNG_CERT (which we will upload the company certificates), and to verify the error log is a adventure using SMICM transaction, the log is very confusing, generally the issues happen because of certificates or proxy. Ask a Basis Consultant to help you if needed.

  • New view on ERP side J_1BNFE_CUST4_1V, works together with J_1BNFE_CUST3_1V view

  • It is necessary schedule Jobs to receive the return from the government

  • All communications are made using asynchronous API REST

  • The XML is sent automatically to the customer and carrier, but just if the business partner is filled correctly.

  • The functionality doesn't send the DANFE, only the XML.

  • Every 3 months we have the opportunity to watch a workshop hosted by claudia.wada about the news and new features of this tool


In conclusion...

After proper configuration, we didn't find any issue regarding nota fiscais. We didn't need to open any SAP Ticket. This experience showed us the SAP NFe Cloud Outbound Solutions is working properly.


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