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Period Control Method

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Recently I have faced a strange system behavior during capitalization of asset.

Acquisition was posted with the date 31.07.2016, while the document date and asset value date were set at 21.06.2016. System then automatically set up the depreciation start day at 01.07.2016, while depreciation key assigned to this asset have the period control key "01" set for acquisition:

According to my knowledge, the period control key "01" should trigger the depreciation start at the first day of the month when acquisition took place, so can't understand why system behaves in this way (this behavior is normal for period control key "02", but is is not set for acquisition purposes in my depreciation key).

Could you please let me know if there are some other configuration settings which can have impact on depreciation start day?

Thanks in advance.


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Marianna,

Maybe the depreciation start date was already set in the asset before the acquisition posting happened. You can check asset change documents to see if the depreciation start date was really set by the posting transaction or by some other action.

Maybe a different fiscal year variant than K4 is used (different fiscal year variants can also be set on depreciation area level).

These things might be worth to have a look. I also don't have any other ideas right now.

Best regards, Michael

0 Kudos

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your input.

1) I have checked that depreciation start date was not set in asset master data before acquisition posting made. I even performed several tests and each time got the same result  - system updated the depr start day with the first day of next moth in case if acquisition date was after 15-th day.

2) About the different FY variant set in depreciation area. I have check in the configuration - and seems that no:

P.S Each time when I'm start to think that finally know something, SAP keep surprising me

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Marianna,

I tested same scenario in our internal system some minutes ago.

Depreciation key uses period control method 1. I posted first acquisition on 21.06.2016 (posting-, asset value- and document-date) and depreciation start date was set to 01.06.2016 as expected.

With posting date 31.07.2016 it's the same result (-> depreciation start date is also 01.06.2016, based on the asset value date).

It does not solve your issue, but maybe it helps to know that your expectation is not totally wrong

Some more ideas that came to my mind:

Maybe the transaction type that you use has some strange configuration so that it is not considered as "acquisition" by the system. If, for example, for some reason the transaction is treated as transfer, your key is defined to use period control 2.

So if you are using an own transaction type, try with basic transaction type "100" and check if result is the same.

Normally "K4" is defined as calender year (Jan to Dec). But of course in theory it can be changed. So maybe you want to check the fiscal year variant.

It's also worth to have a look at the asset "activation date". It should be the value date from your first posting. If you see some date in period 7, there is something strange in general and it's probaby not an issue with depreciation start date directly.

Best regards, Michael

0 Kudos

Good morning,

Yes, this was the point, I have checked the transaction type - it is 145 - "Gross interco.transf.acq. curr-yr.acq.", so it's transfer type, not the acquisition, now everything is clear.

I was confused, since this TType was used during Interco invoice posting, so I automatically thought it was acquisition type, but thanks for your tip now I know where else can check the real TType group

Thanks again for your quick support!

