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Material consuming in Material subcontracting

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Hello all,

i created a PO with item category L and one component.

I send out the component to the subcontracting vendor and stock was there (25k).

After Goods receipt of the material (24k) and consume the calculated components (24k) a rest of the components (1k) are still on the SC vendor in system but not in real.
How can I cancel the 1k in connection to the related PO?


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Hello Martin, To short-close a Purchase Order, mark the "Delivery Completed Indicator" in the Delivery Tab of the Item details.


Begin by performing the "deletion assignment" in J1IFQ. Access the "Quantity recon" tool from the menu, and choose "Delete assignment."

Verify the challan status in J1IFR to see if it's either "R-reversed," "A-assigned," or "C-complete."

In J1IF13, you'll find the "reverse" tab. Click on this tab and provide your inputs.

Kindly review the following blog post for additional information.

PS: If you find this answer resolves your issue, kindly close the thread upon resolution and consider giving a reward!