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In-App Situation Handling in custom fiori elements

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Hello All,

Would like to know whether it is possible to achieve In-App situation handling in custom fiori elements app.

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Hello Mohammed

I need some context and clarification to answer your question:

1. Can you specify what you mean with "Custom Fiori Elements App"? To me this sounds like a contradiction. Is your app a Freestyle Fiori app or a Fiori Elements app?

2. Also, some of the APIs used to enable situations in Fiori apps are SAP-internal. Are you with SAP or with a customer?

3. Situation handling must be set up both in the back-end and the front-end. Is your app based on OData services / CDS views delivered by SAP or did you implement own OData services?

Best regards,

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Hello Patrik,

1. It is a Fiori Elements App developed by us.

2. I am with a Customer

3. We implemented own OData services.


Mohammed Zain

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Hello Mohammed

as you develop your own app, it is currently not possible to show situation handling UI artifacts (like the situation indicator in lists and the situation message) in your app. The tooling and APIs to define situations are currently SAP-internal. We plan to allow customers to create their own situation types in the future, allowing also for displaying in-app UI artifacts, however we cannot tell if or when this will be available.

Best regards,