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GORDON DU HITS 35,000 REWARDS - Congrats and Thanks Gordon

Active Contributor
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Now anyone who has helped another person on this forum knows that it takes some time to get the facts and answers together to help someone get an answer to a question, direct them to a proper place, review the SQL they have posted, etc etc.

Here is something for you to imagine - how many hours would it take to do that kind of work to obtain 35,000 rewards???

Pretty darn long! And a whole lot of commitment to helping anyone out. No matter how simple or complex the question and/or posting can get, Gordon is ready to jump into action. And that is exactly what Gordon has done for us all - put in lots of time and put in lots of commitment.

Now I, for one, am glad that there is someone like Gordon here in SAP B1. The first post I made several years ago was answered by Gordon - Correct Answer, Helpful Advice, and off he went to help another individual. Because Gordon was good enough to help me, I thought I should return the favor to the SAP B1 community and come on here when I can to answer questions between "gigs". I really do not know how Gordon continues to do this; especially with the amount of hours he must be putting in for SAP B1.

Gordon, as we say in American - you are the man!!!

Actually, as a side note, thanks to everyone who helps out in this and other forums - there is no other place we could find solutions to our many questions and problems.

So Gordon - congratulations to you and many many thanks for the answers and tips you have provided and continue to provide...

Fellow SAP B1ers - make sure you say a special thank you to Gordon the next time he helps you out - he really does have your best interest at heart...

Take care, mate - Zal

PS - I have been waiting all day long to do this post watching the points tallying up on his rewards page...finally!!!

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Former Member
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Thank you very much Zal!

It is my pleasure that my extended hours of volunteer contribution could be of some helps to anybodies here.

You are right. It is not that easy for anyone to get 35,000 points in less than two years. If you check on all active users among all other forums, you may not be able to find another.

If time allows, I will not stop to post here whenever possible. I would thank my wife for her understanding. Otherwise, I may not be able to achieve it.

Thank you all for our forum members.


0 Kudos

Hat's Off...... Gordon !!!!!

Hearty Congratulations and Ton of you...

This forum is really lucky to have you....

Many Best Regards

Ashutosh T

Former Member
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Hi Gordon......

Heartly Congratulations.............



Former Member
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Congratulations Gordon.

I remember during may first post that you are always in action to solve the problem.

Godbless Sir. In behalf for all the users from the Philippines, we are extending our deepest appreciation and gratitude.




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Respected Gordon

I Just Want To Say you Thanks



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Numbers not matter, sprit matter.

The word 'Thanks & congrats' not enogh.

I have to find suitable word in dictionery for such a great work.

Keep it up Gordon, We wish your sucess in life.



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Hi Gordon

Hearty Congratulations !!!!

Really proud of you.

0 Kudos

Many Congratulations, Gordon!

Well Done!

All the best from Ireland,


Active Contributor
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congrets Gordon


Deepak tyagi

Former Member
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Congratulations Gordon!

Thanks for your time spent on solving our problems


Md.nazeer Shaikh

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As, Zal said you are the Man for SAP B1...

To be frank with you, I search for your answers at forum before searching it in SAP B1 notes..! coz u have it all..!

Anyways, Keep it up.. and very best of luck for the future.

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos

Congrats Gordon,

Ever since i started my career in SAP B1 yours answers helped me a lot to achieve my goals during project implementation.I remember the day when you wrote me that i only ask queries, i do not contribute, seeing your contribution , even i started contributing, now i feel more than happy when people appreciate your answers.

Guys forum is good to enhance your skill and potential.


Manish Meshram

0 Kudos

Well done Gordon, as someone says it requires that positive spirit within , everyone is right to say that you have that sprit. Keep up the good work. You should be a highly prized treasure for the organisation you work for. Many people in the forum take your word as the final solution.

All the very best to you and your better half !!



0 Kudos

Hi Gordon,

You are a real hero to the SAP community

Thanks for all your help


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thank u for your help ,thanks!

Former Member
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Congratulations !

Thanks for being with us and many many thanks to your Wife to allow you to be here with us, virtual flowers included

We own you much.

0 Kudos

Thanks Gordon for all the help over the years

guys like you make our jobs as sysadmins

in small companies a lot easier.

thanks for all the help and keep posting


Former Member
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Congratulations Gordon.

You're a kindness expert.

Many thanks for your helping.

Active Contributor
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truly great yaar...

Keep it up...

And you are true eligible for a "Moderator"


Sanju m S

Former Member
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Thanks for everyone. I feel so award than the points. I have not replied for every message to keep the thread shorter.

I may not be as active as use to be from now on because I have a commitment to write my first book regarding B1.

Please read my book when it published.

Stay tuned,


Former Member
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Congrates Gordon,

I am New to SCN but in a short span of time you had helped me a lot to solve my issues,



Former Member
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Hi gordan

*May today's success be the beginning of tomorrow's achievements. Congratulations!


Areeba Ali