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Delay in TO creation from TR created thru' material document

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Hi Friends,

We are experiencing fluctuating delay in TO creation with respect to TR, generated through material document (GR against process order, IM movement type 101 - F). We have set automatic TO creation in background ("A") in customising in WM> interface> IM-->define movement type.

Material document posting is done thruough custom transaction thru' BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.

Can you please help to find out possible reasons?

Thanks in advance,


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Active Participant
0 Kudos

Dear All,

Thanks for your replys and suggestions. Still I haven't found any root cause for this problem. But develpoed a background job which serches open TR's for source storage type 901 and convert them into TO's. This job runs every minute. So if any TR remains open, it get converted into TO within max. 1 min. Anyway search is still on on other related issue to find out the cause. Many Thanks for suggestions again