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MRP run starts production too late

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Please consider this scenario:

Item X is a production item with BOM:

Item Y qty 5 (lead time for purchase 10 days)

Item Z qty 10 (lead time for purchase 10 days)

My current stock is 999 of both Y and Z. Now i have a sales order from 100 pieces of Item X to be delivered next week.

I run my MRP and it knows i need 1 more of Item Z to complete the order. The MRP recommends buying item Z, which will take 10 days to reach me, and then start the production order of 100 items which means my entire order is late..

I would like the MRP to advise me to start production of 99 items of item Z so that i can deliver 99 items on time and produce the last item once product Z arrives. How could I achieve this in SAP B1?

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Dear jorissibeniustrip,

Unfortunately, MRP currently does not offer the option to split the recommendations in a way to make partial / gradual supplies.

For further information please refer to the How to Configure and Use MRP in SAP Business One 9.0.

You are asking for a functionality which is currently not implemented. SAP Business One uses the Customer Influence site for collecting, tracking, and prioritizing of requirements.

Please see and follow the recommendations in SAP Note 1028874, section B to post your requirement in SAP Business One Customer Influence site and close this incident.

Kind Regards

Gergely Tyukos

SAP Support