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Copying Control: Sales Document to Sales Document delete

Former Member
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hello all,

I want to prevent users to create a sales order refer to another sales order.

They always do that in my company, so we have a big document flow and proces are most of the time false :-(.

I'm a junior in customizing and I htought I can delete the copying control between my sales order type to sames order type.

What do you think about it? what can be the impact?

thanks for your help!

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Former Member
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There is nothing wrong in deleting the copying control bewwen same order types. But, you need to check with the senior people or business for their opinion. Rather than taking a hasty decision, you need to consult others in your company or client.

We can suggest you to delete the same, but you are the person answerable in your company. So check with others, if they are not having any issues, go on.

There will not be any impact, if you delete the copying control between same order types.
