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Change address formatting for Billing Documents

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When examining the xml sent to the billing form template, we can see the address is split in

AddressLine3 etc.

In the case where a customer (bill to party) has Name1 and Name2 maintained Name1 maps to AddressLine1 and Name2 maps to AddressLine2. In cases where  Name2 is empty, the Street is mapped to AddressLine2.

Can this be configured? Background is that if Name1 and Name2 are maintained we would like them to be printed on AddressLine1.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Thomas,

If you wish to change the content of your form template, you can do so by downloading the predelivered form template file (XDP) in app "Maintain Form Templates", editing it with the Adobe LiveCycle Designer and uploading it as a custom template. If you do not have Adobe LiveCycle Designer installed, you can download it via app "Install Additional Software".

The data that is available for each form template depends on the data source associated to it. The data sources that are used for Professional Services invoices are either FDP_V3_BD_PROF_SERV_SRV or FDP_V3_BD_PROF_SERV_GLO_GEN_SRV. If your intention is to change the data that is pulled out of the system for existing data connections, I'm not sure whether this is possible. You can, however, create custom fields if required.

I will move this question to the Cross Area Topics forum, as our Output Management experts may be able to further advise you on this topic.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Ana;

Yes this is what we are doing already, We have created a number of custom templates. The issue is with the data source for the template. The xml (data source) contains fields for the address (see screenshot). Depending on the customer name and address this contains different values.

For example AddressLine1 shows has the value "Company" for some entries for others it shows the Customer Name1 folllowed by Name2 in AddressLine2 or the Street. I would imagine there must a a configuration item somwhere (most likely expert configuration) that determines the logic.

Also we noticed that SAP formats the phone numbers in the xml, same here can this be customized?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

The address lines in the form are filled in a way which ensures that the address is always compliant to the international postal regulations. I have confirmed that it’s not possible for customers to influence this dynamic.

As I mentioned above, maybe you can try to add specific fields from the address via extensibility.

Kind regards,


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor
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This is possible using the app 'Create Billing Document - Billing Due List Items'. Using the Settings button (on bottom right side) you can use toggles to set the following to On/Off

1. Set billing date and type before billing

2. Create separate billing documents for each item of the billing due list

3. Automatically post billing documents

4. Display billing documents after creation

I hope this answered your question! If it did, please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so I can continue learning and answering questions in the community.

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Sorry this is not the solution.

Active Contributor
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Here are some SAP resources you may review based on your topic "billing,configured,maintained,billing document"

Create Billing Documents - VF01

Create Billing Documents - VF04, Maintain Billing Due List ? Create Billing Documents - VFRB ? Create Invoice Lists - VF21 ? Create Invoice Lists - VF24.'VF01')/S6OP

Other Apps in Billing Clerk

You can create billing documents (for example, invoices and credit memos) from items in the billing due list. This includes debit memo requests, sales orders,?...'F0798')/S11OP

2537606 - Document Numbering for Self Invoice - India

As a result, the Self Invoice Numbering rule maintained in Document Numbering Formats for Supplier Invoicing under Business Configuration is not picked up.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is possible using the app 'Create Billing Document - Billing Due List Items'. Using the Settings button (on bottom right side) you can use toggles to set the following to On/Off

1. Set billing date and type before billing

2. Create separate billing documents for each item of the billing due list

3. Automatically post billing documents

4. Display billing documents after creation

I hope this answered your question! If it did, please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so I can continue learning and answering questions in the community.