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0 Kudos

When the user decision is accepted (UD1) and stock goes to UR, it is successful but when the decision is rejected (UD3) and stock to blocked the BAPI returns the error "Error during quantity posting for inspection lot 010000297041, manual proc. required".

I was reading this thread ( so I checked the Posting proposal UD in QS51, they are both set accordingly.

UD1 > VMEND01 To Unrestricted use
UD3 > VMENGE04 To Blocked stock

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Cause: Reason for Movement is configed as required field for movement type 350
(QI to Blocked) and when making UD from BAPI we didn't supply the reason of movement thus causing the error.

Solution: set Control Reason to - in OMJJ for MvT 350

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor
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Where is the stock when the UD is made? It the material used at risk? I.e. not posted to QI stock but directly to UR? In this case you have to make sure the configuration is using the right stock movement for moving UR stock to blocked. If any has been used, that portion has to be posted to UR and the automated posting of 100% to blocked can't be down.

A failed automatic posting can also happen when the system isn't 100% sure how to move the stock. I.e. you put in a portion for sample stock and the stock is WM by SU's for HU's.


Active Participant
0 Kudos

HI Pawade,

Can you try setting the flag "Inventory Posting Independent of Background Control" present in the ud_data structure and check whether its working or not.

Thanks and Regards,

Abhishek Parab.

0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek,

The UD_STOCK_POSTING is already checked since the beginning and not working for rejected UD.


Pawadee K.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

HI Pawadee,

There is Last things i believe you need to check, whether the movement type assignment has been done for the U.D Code. i know its the standard but in case someone might have modified the movement type or removed the movement type.

Please check in Config node - QCC0 > Quality inspection > Inspection Lot completion > Define inventory postings.

Thanks and Regards,

Abhishek Parab.

0 Kudos

Hi Abhishek,

The checked it but the assignment is correct too.


Pawadee K

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Please refer Note 1959967

You might be having a "commit" or "commit work" statement in your own coding

Also try to do some basic checks by checking for any authorization issue / stock is in QI stock or not / ZQEVAC22 / ZQEVAC20

0 Kudos

Hi Sourabh,

I checked there is not commit or commit work.
For authorization, I am using user that has full authorization so I don't think it is authoriztion issue.
I did check with MMBE and the there is QI stock to be moved.
ZQEVAC20 No differences between QM quantities and MM quatities found
I don't have ZQEVAC22 on my system.


Pawadee K

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Pawadee

Then the only options is to ask your developer to check what is going wrong by debugging

If there are no custom enhancements, then raise OSS