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Live the new in-app help experience delivered with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302

You can now access the in-app help in all apps by clicking the question mark on the shell bar.

Additionally, the look and feel of the in-app help for all apps has been harmonized; you won’t notice a difference as you access help.

The icons that appear next to individual elements on the screen when the help mode is active are now displayed as question marks:

Get a taste of the new in-app help experience by checking out this video:

Customer survey:

We care about your feedback. That is why we are conducting a customer survey as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302 within a limited timeframe. Let us know what you think about the new help experience, its look and feel, and performance.

What's next?

We're working hard to deliver further improvements with SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2308. Stay tuned.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
This looks like limited SAP Companion content and perhaps SAP Companion for desktop.
Is it?
and if SAP Companion for desktop, SAP brings standard content offerings at least for on-prem S4 that includes Guided tours as well as the help.

Thanks for the post, looking forward to some clarification.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Nice blog. I guess that's probably the first one at all on the SAP Companion?
Hi Wallace,

it is about SAP Companion (f.k.a. Web Assistant) default/ standard content but does not refer to SAP Companion for desktop (f.k.a. Desktop Assistant) as for the in-app desktop edition there is no default / standard content available and also the desktop edition is not embedded into SAP applications by default but has to be installed by customers separatly. Hope this helps.




Active Participant
0 Kudos
So the whole post was just SAP Companion... was it not there on the Cloud items?  or was it switched to always on or something...
SAP Companion on S4 is an older topic now, at least to my understanding.
Thanks for the answer and consideration.
Best Regards, Wallace
0 Kudos
Right, SAP Companion was integrated before. I guess the post is informing about the new hotspot icons and the harmonized approach.
Active Participant
Thanks Mirko, for some reason the "like" on your comment gave "error:Forbidden".
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I've literally just been through all the standard in-app (SAP Companion) help at a client changing all the mis-matched circle hotspots to use the icons (consistently sized as XS) because I think it looks better. Glad to see @SAP are catching up with me 😉
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Sometimes as much as everyone yelled, I miss the Sapgui - it was consistent.  We've got so many different UI/UI content builders now the consistency is not there as much... sizes like you mention above, also just stupid stuff on navigation - same action (create, save) across different solutions the "button location" moves around...  But as your post indicates, I guess it goes back to the old "but it gives us work" approach to stress reduction/frustration.